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     After Carthage things spiraled downward quickly. Sleep became a horrible ritual each night. Every time her eyes closed she could see him. He spoke to her. At first she told herself it was just a reoccurring nightmare but the more often it happened the harder it was to ignore the truth. It was real. When she was asleep and at her most vulnerable, Lucifer was able to project himself into her mind creating the most horrifically realistic dream she could manage. The room would go dark and freeze over covering her skin in goosebumps. Then she'd hear him whisper just over her shoulder. Warning her that he was coming, that no matter where she went or what she did, he would be able to find her. She never had the courage to ask him what he wanted from her. The ideas alone terrified her.

    "She ain't sleepin boys... She barely eats. Her damn'd clothes don't even fit anymore. Something ain't right. I'm tellin ya somethings going on." Bobby's voice was hushed in the kitchen. Jessabelle had just come down the stairs to join then for breakfast when she heard him. Glancing down she carefully avoided the creaky last step and crouched down outside the kitchen to listen in.

    "We know Bobby. I checked on her a few nights ago and I swear I heard her say Lucifer in her sleep." Sam was the one that spoke that time. Jessabelle bit her lip and winced. She had suspected she'd been muttering in her sleep but she didn't think they had heard it. "She was alone with him Bobby. What if he did something to her?"

    There was a long pause before any of them spoke again. "Maybe... We should ask Cas to look at her." Dean said after the sound of his laptop closing. "He can do his angel thing and see what's going on in her head. Find out what Lucifer did to her." Jessabelle cringed thinking about how painful it was having Lucifer reach into her soul. Not something she wanted to repeat.

    "Wouldn't it be easier to just ask er?" Bobby asked. The eye roll he gave was practically audible.

    "Yeah ok Bobby. You go ahead and try talking to her. Let me know how the queen of crazy handles being confronted about her Lucifer centered wet dreams." Dean spoke sarcastically.

    "Boy you watch your damn mouth and keep it down. She's still my little girl and if you two idjits hadn't a left her there with him we wouldn't be having this problem." Again there was silence. Jessabelle wanted so badly to see what they were doing and their facial expressions. "What?... What ain't you telling me?" Bobby asked. 

     The boys took a second to respond. "Bobby... When Cas zapped us out of there he tried to get Jess to but..." Sam stopped mid-sentence unable to continue.

     "But according to Cas she jumped back so he couldn't get her... For whatever reason she chose to stay there with Lucifer. Once we were safe Cas went back for her. He said she was on the ground next to him." Dean finished. The creak of the kitchen chair told her Dean was fidgeting in his spot.

     "And you didn't tell me this two weeks ago because... Why? You wanted to surprise me for my birthday? What the hell boys!" Bobby said throwing whatever he held onto the counter.

     "We didn't want to worry you with it until we knew what happened... Obviously we made a bad call." Sam responded. Bobby gave a heavy sigh. "Bobby... You don't think... Maybe she's a vessel do you? I mean Cas did say he has other vessels aside from me right. Like the one he has now. It wouldn't be perfect but it would work for a time."

     Jessabelle carefully stood up and went back to the stairs. She'd had enough of this conversation. Her nightmares were bad on their own but at least during the day she had her family to hold her up. Now it felt like she was becoming an outcast. They didn't trust her and it broke her heart. The only time she could remember feeling this alone was right after her parents died. Bobby was the only thing she had to cling to.

     She placed her foot on the creaky step to alert them to her presence before heading into the kitchen. She readied herself to put on the best act of her life. It was time to convince them she was better now. They had enough to worry about without her.

     "Morning boys. Want me to cook something before we head out?" She asked with a small smile. Bobby and the boys exchanged confused glances. 

     "Uh... Head out?" Dean questioned with a brow raised. Jessabelle leaned back on the counter.

     "Demon signs in Grand Marais, Minnesota..." Their expressions became even more confused. "Look I don't like hunting, all of you know that, but that angel son of a bitch is the reason I'll never get to see my best friend again. There is nothing on this Earth that is going to stop me from hunting down every last demon I can find and destroying his children one by one until he has nothing left. Loves them or hates them, it's going to piss him off that he's losing pawns." She said with her shoulders squared and her eyes set with determination.

     God made Jessabelle beautiful and innocent with the gift of nature on her side. So pure even the devil himself couldn't corrupt her... But even mother nature can start a war, and that's exactly what Jessabelle was ready to do.

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