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      The blood was dry now. All she could do was look down at them as they trembled while sitting in the back of Dean's car. What kind of car was it again? She couldn't even recall that now. So very little made sense. Not a single coherent thought passed through her mind. The only clear thing to her was that they'd failed... and Jo was gone. Her blood was dry now but still there. 

     The boys glanced back at her in the mirrors. Each had attempted to speak several times but neither had the right words. Instead they had resigned to silence, watching their little cousin fall apart behind them.

    "Jo hush it's going to be fine. It will. I'll make it fine... I'll figure something out." Jessabelles voice was uneven and shaking. Helen gripped her daughters hand tight. They all knew what was going to happen but Jo was the only one willing to acknowledge it.

     "Not this time Jess... I should'a slept with him when I had the chance huh?" She was trying to be brave. Just to see her friend smile once more. As badly as Jess wanted to give her friend that, she couldn't. Her face remained pale and filled with fear. "You can't save me Jesssabelle. You need to go with Sam and Dean... Taking out the devil is all that matters now." Jess began to shake as she wrapped Jo in a firm but gentle hug. Her clothes soaking through with blood to act as a permanant reminder of the friend she'd lost.

     "We'll meet again... And when we do, try not to choose Dean over me ok?" It was the best Jessabelle could do to ease the pain of the moment. Remind herself that after everything they had seen, she at least knew Heaven was real, and someday she'd see Jo there.

     Sam's hand reached back over the seat holding a towel out to Jessabelle. She looked up at him for the first time. Her face was pale and haunted. As if she had died back on that farm and the thing sitting there was just her body, continuing to move without a soul inside to navigate. 

    Her fingers fumbled trying to take the towel from him. She muttered a small thank you and cleaned the blood from her hands as best she could without water, Sam watching her the whole time. Hunting was never in her. He scolded himself for allowing her and Jo to come along in the first place. Jo at least enjoyed hunting though. Jessabelle on the other hand. He knew she couldn't handle it. It was his fault she had come. She wanted to protect her family. Her cousins. Him. As he gazed at her reflection he understood that after everything she had witnessed that night, nothing could bring back who she was only hours ago. Bringing her along had killed something inside her.

    "How do we tell Bobby?..." Dean's voice finally broke the silence. While the boys finally began to talk Jess closed her eyes and curled into the smallest ball she could manage. Her arms tucked tightly around her head covering her ears and letting her fall asleep.

    Lucifer threw  Dean. The gun failed. It mind as well have been a BB gun for all the damage it did. They were out of ideas. Jessabelles mind raced frantically while Lucifer and Sam spoke. She couldn't just leave. Even if Lucifer let them go. She couldn't. Not after Jo gave everything for them to get here. She had to find a way. She had power. It wasn't much but could she use it somehow? Typically she could only do small things by will. Anything bigger was just a result of something she was feeling. She didn't have the skill to turn it on Lucifer. Still... She needed to do something. Just as Castiel appeared to zap them away she made her decision. As the angelic light began to reach out for her to take her away she dove away. In an instant the boys and their angel were gone. Leaving Jessabelle alone with the Prince of Darkness.

    His gaze slowly shifted around to her. "That was stupid even for a human." His voice was ice stabbing directly into her veins. The trees groaned and creaked around her responding to the chill she felt. They were calling to her. It was strange but somehow she felt it. The grass around her feet brushed repeatedly against her. Her nerves eased. If she died here, she was going to die trying to kill him. If she failed then at least she'd see Jo again.

    She flicked her wrist upward toward him. The wind howled passed her and the ground rumbled at his feet. For a moment his brows pulled together, but before he had time to consider what she was doing and how, a root torn up from the ground and wrapped around his leg like a snake pulling him into the Earth. It only managed to pull down his foot before he lifted his own hand causing the root to rot and fall away. Free once again he lifted his eyes toward Jessabelle and looked at her curiously.

     "Human... Yet somehow more. What do you say I take a closer look and find out exactly what kind of monster the Winchesters are keeping." It wasn't a question. Without waiting for a response Lucifer pulled Jess through the air right into his open hand. The fingers of his vessel gripped tightly at her throat while his other hand dove into her chest reaching in to feel her soul. She let out a horrible scream of pain that caused the forest to shift and twist like it could feel her pain as well. The Earth rumbled as Death began to form behind them. Lucifer's eyes however were narrowed at Jessabelle. His grip growing tighter around her throat.

    "There's... No way. That's not possible..." He muttered darkly. A fire burned behind his eyes threatening to boil through and turn Jessabelle to a pile of ash. "Where is he?" He demanded. His grip loosened to allow her enough air to speak.

    Jessabelle gasped and tried desperately to catch her breath. Her fingers had dug into his forearm trying to gain her freedom. The hand still in her chest made it impossible to move more than a few inches however. She knew from Castiel that moving while an angel held your soul could end very badly. "I-I have no idea what you're... Talking about." 

     Lightning flashed behind Lucifer briefly illuminating two large and mangled shapes similar to wings. Jessabelles eyes shifted to them trying to make out their true form. All she could manage in the light of the flash though was the faint shadows.

    "It seems my guest has arrived. Stay still and I might not hurt you when I get back." Lucifer said removing his hand from her chest and dropping her to the ground. He turned away from her to greet the newly present Death. In that moment a hand covered her mouth and a flash of light engulfed her. Castiel had returned for her.

     Asleep in the backseat, Jessabelle heard a voice in her head. "Don't think you've escaped me little one... I will find you." The voice was enough to shock her into waking up. She sat bolt upright and shrieked. Dean slammed on the brakes nearly running the Impala straight into a tree.

     "Jess! Are you alright?" Sam had turned around and grabbed her arm protectively. She closed her eyes and held her chest feeling the pain of Lucifers grip on her soul.

    "I-I'm fine... Just a nightmare... It was just a nightmare." She lied to them. Something she found herself doing more and more recently.

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