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    "Bobby have you heard from the boys lately? It's been almost a week." Jess asked as she set a mug of coffee in front of him. It had been twelve years since her parents died. Bobby had been on a hunt for a pack of werewolves when it happened.  If he hadn't been there to stop them she would have died as well. After he found out she had no other family he went through the complicated process of adopting her. The poor girl refused to talk or eat unless she went with him.

    "Ya could have gone with em ya know." He said glancing up from the book he'd been researching on how to kill the devil. Needless to say he hadn't found anything.

    "I... I don't like hunting. You know that." She said with a slight quiver. Bobby and the boys taught her all the skills it took to hunt and on rare occasion she would tag alone. For the most part however she preferred to stay home.

    "Kiddo... It's getting to the end of the world. At some point you're going to have to get off the bench." He told her trying to be as gentle as he could. She looked away from him and out the window to her garden. This made it clear to him she wasn't up for this conversation today. "Cas is on his way to check on the boys now so we should hear from one of those idjits any time now." He told her.

    After talking a bit more about what the boys were hunting Jess went outside to lay in the clover field outside the scrap yard. It was were she went to relax and forget about all things hunting. It wasn't that she was weak or couldn't do the job. She just didn't want to be involved in killing. It was against her nature. When she did hunt with Sam and Dean it made her skin crawl.

    As she laid down the field seemed to react to her touch. Clovers that had been wilting began to arch upward toward the sun with new life inside them. This was her gift. Everywhere she went nature responded to her. n she was young her parents knew it was more than just a green thumb. If she was in pain so were the plants and animals around her. If she was happy, flowers bloomed no matter the season. God had given her sway over the creation even Lucifer adored. Earth.

    Her eyes closed slowly and she drifted off to sleep hoping to find some peace before the apocalypse reached full swing.


    In her mind she could feel something cold brushing against her skin. It was another nightmare. The sound of wings filled the void around her. Unlike when Castiel appeared this sound was loud and harsh. Almost like the feathers were rough and tattered. She tried to open her eyes but it was impossible for her to move.


    Two hours later Jess woke up covered in a cold sweat breathing heavily. The clovers around her had dried out leaving them crinkled and brown. She sighed and did her best to calm her nerves. After a few minutes the field returned to normal hiding any evidence of her nightmare. Bobby had enough on his plate without knowing about the darkness that seemed to be invading her sleep.

    The familiar sound of the impala coming down the gravel road  in the scrap yard told Jessabelle that the boys were finally back. She jumped to her feet and dusted off her clothes before running back to the house. Some how she knew there was going to be an interesting story to explain where they had been for the past week.

    "The trickster... Is actually the archangel Gabriel?... As in the messenger of God,  Gabriel?" She asked after listening to them explain. Her mouth agape slightly as she tried to comprehend everything.

    "Yep and surprise, he's a dick just like his brothers." Dean said with a glass of whiskey in hand. Castiel's brows pulled together looking at Dean. "Aside from you Cas." Dean added so he didn't offended his pet angel.

    "So I take it he's pro-doomsday then. Hmph. Guess I didn't really expect we'd find an archangel back up on this one... Still would have been nice." Bobby grumbled in his usual gruff tone. Sam was the only one not taking part in the conversation. He seemed to be deep in thought over something else. Jessabelle could only assume it was about Lucifer wanting to jump him. She certainly didn't want to be in his position.

    "Ok... Then what's our next move?" Jess asked. Sam's face finally lifted to look at her. It was unusual for her to be so involved. Given the present circumstances however she realized Bobby was right. Now wasn't the time to sit on the sidelines. The boys couldn't do this alone. 

    "We look for the colt." Castiel's gravely voice broke the silence. "If we are to kill the devil it;s the only shot we have." He was right.

    "I'll make some calls. Ellen and Jo are heading this way in a few days. They might be able to scrape up some intel." Jess stood up from her chair and headed out of the room. Once she cleared the thresh hold of the door she froze in place. For a split second she felt as though she were somewhere else. She could see a flash of a different place. A man was standing with his back to her facing an icy window. On his back she saw something shimmer for a moment like a mirage. When the vision was over her head became light and the sides of her vision turned black. Her hand reached out to grip the wall for support. The ivy planet in the window wilted in her weakened presence.

    "What... the hell is happening..." she muttered to herself.

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