Rose is Pink Diamond

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  (In the image above, Rose Quartz is seen in part of the Diamond mural seemingly fighting against White Diamond. If you look directly above her hands, you can see a Pink Diamond. Why would Rose be in a Diamond mural? Could Rose be Pink Diamond?)

This is a popular theory that I DID NOT make up, but I think it makes sense.

*Warning: This theory goes pretty deep, so make sure you're paying attention and thinking so you're prepared.

   I (among many other fans) believe that the powerful gem commander, Rose Quartz, was Pink Diamond.


  There are many signs of Rose being Pink Diamond, and I will point out a few. First of all, Rose Quartz was a very POWERFUL gem commander. She had a lot of power, as the Diamonds do, and was (by guess) not raised in a Kindergarten. She is also a Quartz, which I believe is the top Ranking of Gem Rankings.

  Second of all, she had a Pearl. As we know, Pearl was willing to do practically anything for her beloved Rose Quartz.

   " . . . I will fight in the name of Rose Quartz,
And everything that she believed in"

  The song quote above sung by Pearl (in the "original" theme song) shows proof that she would fight for Rose Quartz and everything that she believed to be right.

   Anyway, we all know that every Diamond has a Pearl. We have witnessed Yellow Pearl in Message Received, and also got to see Blue Pearl shortly before in The Answer (which is love❤️)

  Sorry I'm getting off topic. Every Diamond has a Pearl, and the two original Crystal gems were Rose and Pearl . . .

  If you STILL don't get it, I'll explain. Pearl served Rose, and Pearls were made to serve Diamonds. My theory is that Rose was Pink Diamond, and Pearl was her Pearl.

  But how could Rose be a Diamond if she's a Crystal gem and hates Homeworld? You may be thinking.

  Well, I already thought of the same thing, and here's what I came up with:

  Since Rose (more than likely) did not come from a Kindergarten, she must have come from Homeworld. Rose was EVEN OLDER than Pearl, who we know is thousands of years old. I believe that there were only three Diamonds (Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond and White Diamond), when Rose was created, or born or whatever, since she is so insanely old. Rose was a very powerful gem, and there may have been rebel attacks starting to pop up. But no one was brave enough to join together and form a full rebel group (Crystal gems), since the gems that rebelled did not have much power (like Pearl).

  Anyway, since Rose was so powerful, and since there were so many individual rebel attacks, the 3 Diamonds allowed a Pink Diamond (Rose Quartz) into power, and assigned her a Pearl (known as Pearl in the show). Rose "unexpectedly" rebelled against the Diamonds themselves, and since she had a lot of power, created a full rebel group now known as the infamous Crystal gems.

  These are a few solid (in my opinion) reasons why Rose may have been Pink Diamond. I did make up the whole story of Rose due to some hardcore thinking, and I hope it makes sense to you!

  Remember these are just theories, so don't expect them all to be fully accurate and correct!

  Thanks again, guys! I ❤️ ya about as much as I ❤️ Steven Universe!!! If you have any theory requests, please leave them in the comments down below, and I'll let you know asap if I support the theory, then I'll need a little time to find my own ways to back it up! 😊⬇️

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