Joy to Their Demise

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"Terry?...Terry, come in....Terrence!"


"Terry?...Are you alright?"Bruce asked, relieved Terry at least answered.

Yet not even Bruce could help Terry right now at the horror in front of him...

"Terry, answer me! What's wrong?!"Bruce snarled, frustrated and worried about the immense silence he was getting.

Terry felt tears wanting to spill, but he kept his composure while feeling himself going into a small panic, his mind racing with a thousand different questions.

"So many..."Terry tried to speak,"So many smiles..."he whimpered out and gave a shaky breath as he looked away from the truck.

"Terry,"Bruce tried, but he knew what it felt...Always knew how it felt.

"Bruce...I gotta...I need to make sure my mom and...and--" "Terry, whatever you do, don't leave. They need you--" "What about them?!"Terry growled, quiet enough to not be heard by the authorities.

"I'll call your mother to tell her to come over, just don't leave the area."Bruce ordered, this made Terry sigh before swallowing hard.

"Okay...Okay."he said and turned back to examine the crime scene.

"Christ have mercy."one of the S.W.A.T members muttered, Terry turned to see one of them had walked away almost immediately.

"Secure the area! I want teams searching this forest and I don't care if you have to burn the freaking forest down, I want her found!!"their captain ordered and Terry turned to him.

"Cap...You don't need a search party. Your prime suspect is right there...She's the one that committed the crime..."Terry explained and began examining the girl, her hair green, but not her roots.

"She was used...and stuffed."Terry notes as he examined her stitched up torso.

"My god."the captain muttered as he saw what Batman meant.

"Joy somehow managed to get this woman into placing a toxic gas bomb inside her body, but by the looks of this..."Terry's eyes widened when he saw the piece of paper in the woman's pocket.

He grabbed it when he realized he knew what was on the paper, "How could she..."he muttered and gritted his teeth before charging from the crime scene into the woods.

"I've looked up the's a building near Park Row."Bruce stated.

Terry kept looking until he saw it...His eyes widened slightly at the sight and soon Bruce saw what he was looking at and arched a brow.

"Know this place?"Bruce questioned.

Terry landed and looked at the abandoned place,"This used to be a shop, a good shop...An Ice Cream Parlor."

"What's so special about this?"

"It was the first place I met..."he trailed before shaking his head,"Joy couldn't have known that though..."

"Her information on you does surprise me."Bruce admits, Terry growled, frustrated, and looked back at the old building.

"There's gotta be a reason she sent me here..."he muttered before a projection screen appeared at the side of the building, a giant green smiley face appeared.

Joy soon came on the screen, her henchman at her side, the two grinned before turning into a fit of giggles.

"By the looks of this, Harley, it appears Batman might be stuck."Joy said.

Harley smirked,"Right you are, m'am. Maybe we should help him out?"

Joy turned to Harley, she smacked him behind his head before exclaiming,"That's it, my dear boy! But I don't want to ruin all the fun!"

"So let's...give him an invitation...?"Harley said hesitantly.

Joy blinked before smiling again, mischief in the giggle she gave out. She sighed as she wrapped her arms around Harley, who didn't seem to mind one bit.

"Oh how right you are, my dear boy."she piped out and kissed his cheek,"Now, Batman. I want you to know that my little gift in the truck did seem pretty easy. I mean, how could I have found a girl that looked as beautiful as me?!"she joked.

Batman gritted his teeth as he kept glaring at the screen,"Tell me where you are, Joy!"

Joy smirked,"Now where's the fun in that?"

A light appeared from the inside of the building, the chipping Ice Cream label was covered in green graffiti...Her graffiti:

Joy's Ice Cream Parlor!

Terry hesitated as he saw someone inside, tied up...

"Terry, wait."Bruce ordered.

"But she's got someone—" "I know this trick. Trust me and wait."Bruce growled and Joy arched a brow as she saw Terry still at the same spot.

She huffed and smirked,"I'm assuming old Bat-Brain spoiled the surprise?"

Harley gasped,"Oh no! Puddin', what are we gonna do?!"

Joy sighed and shook her head slightly before snapping her fingers,"I know! Let's bring the party outside!"she shouted out and with that every building next to the Ice Cream parlor lit up with lights.

Green, Purple and Yellow surrounded Terry, inside he saw the hostage struggling, this time he got a bit closer and saw exactly who it was.

His eyes widened,"Dana?!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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