Once Liam was sure that Niall was clean, he pulled him out of the tub and dried him off. Next came redressing the tiny boy, and honestly, Liam felt terrible for what he was about to say, but he got over it and told Niall, "I'm gonna put you in a pull up for the rest of the night, baby." And Liam wanted to take the statement back when Niall gave him the most heartbreaking expression ever. "Hey, it's not because I think you're a baby, okay? I just don't want you to have another accident," Liam coo'd. "I-I not a baby?" Niall asked tearfully. "No, not at all. You're my big boy. But big boys need help sometimes, okay?" Liam responded, feeling absolutely terrible for Niall. Niall just gave a sad nod in reply and let Liam pull the pull up around his waist.

"Let's go get some jammies and then we can go back to bed," Liam told Niall. Niall nodded and walked along side Liam back into his bedroom. "Which ones?" Liam asked, opening Niall's pajama drawer. Niall ended up pointing to a white pair that had blue clouds on it, which Liam thought were just absolutely too cute. He helped Niall into the pajamas and said, "Alright, bed time." Niall shook his head no. "Come on, Niall. We have to get back to bed. I'm tired and I know you're sleepy," Liam replied. He was beyond tired and he knew the toddler was too. Again, Niall shook his head. Liam sighed. "Do you wanna rock for a little while then?" He asked. He and Zayn had decided to move the rocking chair they had into Niall's room since it matched the furniture and they knew rocking helped kids get to sleep. Niall thought about it for a second, then nodded, so Liam grabbed Niall's blankie and another blanket and sat down in the chair. He pulled Niall into his lap so that his face was to Liam's chest and then he pulled the blanket over them so Niall would be warm. He wasn't too uncomfortable since the chair had padding and stuff, so he was okay. He rocked slowly and watched as Niall's tiny blue eyes drooped and closed. By the time Niall's eyes had closed, Liam could feel his eyes drooping too.


Liam honestly hadn't meant to fall asleep. However, he was awoken later by a poking to his face.

"Li, wake up."

It was Zayn. Liam just mumbled something incoherent and tried to swat Zayn's hand away. However, Zayn wasn't taking that as an answer. "Liam! We're taking the kids to the school today! Get up," Zayn pushed. Again, Liam grumbled, but sat up. His mind immediately wandered to the stiffness of his back, and that's when he realized he'd been asleep in the rocking chair.

Liam groaned and popped his back.

"Bet you wish you hadn't slept in that chair," Zayn said with a smirk. Liam rolled his eyes at his husband and quickly flipped him the bird. "Oi! Someone's grumpy today!" Zayn exclaimed. "Well I got up at five," Liam replied. "Yeah, I meant to ask, did Niall have an accident?" Zayn asked in response. "Yeah he did. Poor thing was having a panic attack while I was getting him a bath," Liam replied. The two men frowned, than Liam asked, "Wait, where is the little guy?"

"Oh, I finally got him to come downstairs to eat. The boys just had cereal and watched some cartoons. Niall didn't really want to come down without you, but I did get him to," Zayn explained. "Okay. But did you check his pull up?" Liam responded. "Well, I saw the tip poking out so I kinda figured...but I asked him quietly and he got really embarrassed and said no," Zayn replied. Liam sighed.

"I really hope he was telling the truth."

Both men frowned again and decided to go downstairs to check on the boys and make sure Niall hadn't wet the pull up.

Once downstairs, Liam walked straight over to the couch where Niall was sitting with Louis and Harry, engrossed in an episode of Peppa Pig.

"Ni, can you come here for a sec?" Liam asked. Niall turned his head toward Liam and his eyes lit up. He was so excited to see his daddy since he hadn't all morning. The tiny blonde immediately hopped up and bounced toward Liam, who picked him up and smiled once he got to him.

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