Chapter 4

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It had been about an hour and a half since Liam and Zayn put the kids down, when Louis came stumbling down the stairs. "Daddy, what time is it?" Louis asked, walking over to Liam and crawling into his lap. "It's just now turning five, BooBear," Liam replied, using the nickname he'd thought of for Louis. "When is the store bringin' my bed?" Louis asked. "Well, it's five right now, so about half an hour." Liam said. "Where's baba?" Louis asked now. This boy sure was full of questions. "He's in the bathroom, babe," Liam answered. Louis nodded and continued to lay in Liam's lap.

A few minutes later, Zayn returned from the bathroom. "Well hey, baby. Look who's awake!" He said enthusiastically. Louis smiled at his baba. "Hey baba," he said. Zayn smiled back at him. "Is Hazza still asleep?" he asked. "Yeah. He's still sleeping," Louis answered. "Well I'm gonna go get him and Ni real quick. They've been asleep long enough," Zayn said. Louis nodded and cuddled into Liam. Usually, he wouldn't be acting like this, as he was the oldest so he thought he should act older, but he was tired so he let it slip past his self made restrictions.

Zayn came down a few minutes later with Harry holding his hand and Niall in his arms.

"Daddy!" Niall whined, reaching out for Liam. "I'm here, I'm here," Liam replied, letting Zayn put Niall in his arms.

Once Niall was in Liam's arms, Louis scooted out and went over to Zayn. Niall cuddled into Liam's lap and breathed out a sigh of relief. His daddy hadn't left him.

Meanwhile, Harry and Louis were sitting on either side of Zayn on the opposite couch. "Baba what're we gonna do today?" Harry asked. "Well, the people should be here in about 15 or 20 minutes with your beds and furniture, so we're gonna set up your rooms today," Zayn replied. "Oooh! What color is my room?" Harry squealed. "Your room and Ni's is blue, and Louis' is green," Zayn responded. Well that statement made Louis shoot up. "Can we go see, baba? Can we?" Louis squealed. Zayn smiled. "We sure can. You coming, Li?" Zayn said. "Sure," Liam replied, hopping up with Niall in his arms. "You wanna see your new room?" Liam asked Niall as he tickled his pudgy tummy. Niall cracked the smallest of smiles and nodded. So, the five headed upstairs and into the bedrooms.

They all entered Louis' room and Louis gasped. "It's green, baba! It's green!" "I know it is, babe," Zayn chuckled. "Do you like it?" He asked. "I love it, baba! Daddy! My room is green!" Louis exclaimed, then turning to Liam to make sure Liam could see the green room as well. "I know it is, Boo. I can tell you like it," Liam responded. Louis nodded and quietly said, "Thank you...a bunch." Liam and Zayn shared smiles. "You're welcome, baby. We love you," Zayn said, bending down by Louis.

Once Louis decided they could leave his room, they all headed over to Harry's, which was actually just the next door over.

When they opened the door, Harry's eyes lit up at the blue color. "It's blue!" Harry exclaimed with wide eyes. "It is. Do you like it?" Liam replied. "Yeah! S'awesome!" Harry replied. Liam and Zayn both smiled. "We're glad you like it," Zayn said. "S'my favorite color!" Harry squealed. "Really? That's awesome!" Zayn said, giving Harry a small high five. Harry giggled and gave both Liam and Zayn hugs.

Next was Niall's room.

They opened the door to reveal another blue room, but this one was a few shades lighter than Harry's. Niall's eyes lit up and filled with so much joy. "Wow!" He said quietly. "Is it okay?" Liam asked. "Yeah...really like it!" Niall replied quietly, turning to wrap his arms around Liam's neck since he was still in his arms. "T'ank you." He said quietly into Liam's shoulder. "No problem baby. We'd do anything for you," Liam replied. Niall looked up at Liam with a smile and Liam smiled back. "I love you, Niall." "Lub you too," Niall whispered. Liam's face broke into a huge grin. Niall loved him.

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