
Phineas' POV

Ferb and I started studying the blueprints and planning on our white board, when a tall girl with wavy blonde hair and bright green eyes walked outside from the back door.

"Hi! I'm your new neighbor, Rebecca," she said.

Ferb and I jumped up and walked up to her. I don't know what happened, but my heart started pounding, my hands became sweaty, and I just couldn't stop staring at the girl in front of me.

She's so...beautiful. Wait, what? I thought.  I've never considered a girl to be beautiful before, well, not like this at least.

"Hi, Rebecca. I'm Ferb."

I knew Ferb had said something, but I couldn't tell what. I was just so lost in Rebecca's big green eyes. They looked like bright, shining emeralds.

"Umm, what's your name?"

Oh, and her hair! It was so long and wavy, I could've just reached out and...Then I felt Ferb elbow me in the stomach and I snapped out of my confusing thoughts.

"Oh, uh, I'm Ph-Phineas." I stammered.

Ugh, idiot. Why can't I talk? I thought.

I heard the gate creak open and turned to see Isabella walk in.

"Hi Phineas. Watc- Oh, uh, not to be rude, but who are you?" Isabella questioned.

"Hello! I'm Rebecca, Phineas and Ferb's new neighbor. What's your name?" Rebecca responded cheerfully.

"Hi. I'm Isabella, Phineas' best friend."

"Well, nice to meet you Isabella, Phineas' best friend," she giggled.

It was nice to see Isabella and Rebecca meet, they seemed to be getting along. Rebecca turned towards me.

"Well, Phineas, what do you do for fun?"

I couldn't help but blush at her taking interest in me.

"Oh, we build things. We have a different project every day. Uh, maybe you can help us if you want to." I said.

"Sure! Sounds fun. What are you building today?"

"We are building the biggest, most ultimate helicopter ever!"

She gave me a skeptical look and I chuckled.

"No it's true! You'll see."

"Okay, then let's get started!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"Great! I'll order the materials!"

Buford and Baljeet entered the backyard. They met Rebecca and seemed to like her. While we worked on the helicopter, I couldn't stop glancing up at the girl. She looked so cute as she concentrated on the project, her tongue poking out of her mouth. Then she looked up at me and waved. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I waved back.

At the end of the day everyone left, but Rebecca lingered by the gate.

"Hey Phineas, thanks for being a great friend. It's hard when moving to a new place, but you made my day. Oh and you too Ferb, thanks!" she said.

Ferb nodded and I replied, "No problem!"

Rebecca left and Ferb and I walked inside the house to find mom cleaning the kitchen. We walked upstairs to our room and got ready for bed.

"You know you like her, Phineas." Ferb said out of nowhere.

"What? Who?" I said although I was pretty sure who he was talking about.

"Rebecca. I saw you blush."

"Pfft, no way! Besides we just met."

Ferb gave me the "yeah right" look.

"Well, it's not like I couldn't stop thinking about her sweet voice, or her big green eyes." I said dreamily.

Ferb smirked.

"Okay, maybe I like her a little."

After that conversation we went to bed. I couldn't stop asking myself one question, could I really have a crush on Rebecca? After thinking about it as I laid on my bed, staring up at the dark ceiling, I thought that must be the only explanation. And...is it really a bad thing? Then I drifted off to sleep.


Isabella's POV

Today at Phineas and Ferb's, their new neighbor Rebecca, was there with us. I couldn't help but notice Phineas staring at her the whole time. I mean, sure she's tall, has long, blonde hair, and big, green eyes, but I'm Phineas's best friend. Right?

Then, for a second, I'm pretty sure I saw him blush when she waved to him. I couldn't help but dwell on the fact that he's never blushed around me before. An anxious feeling settled in the pit of my stomach and I wanted so bad to show Phineas that I have a lot to offer, that I'm better for him than any other girl who struts into his life. But how could I, if I wasn't sure it was even true.


Sorry about switching POVs a lot. I had to to make the chapter how I wanted it. I won't do it as often anymore. Anyway, I hoped you liked it. Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment! Continue to be awesome! Thanks!


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