Bad Boy Jai. ~Chapter One.

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Chapter One. -Bad Boy Jai.

               I walked into the front office, taking steady steps to the desk. A early fortys women was sitting down at the desk typing stuff away on the keyboard with her newly painted red nails. She looked up at me and smiled.

  "Hello dear, what can I do for you?"

     I breathed in giving her a small smile. "I'm new, my names Florence Mandisa."

               She nodded, going back to typing. "Ah," she spoke up, reading along the screen of her computer. "There you are, I'll be right back, I'm just getting your timetable." I nodded tapping my hands on the counter. She came back a few moments later with paper in her hands, I'm assuming my timetable.

               "Here is your timetable and a map if you get lost." She grinned, passing me two peices of paper. I thanked her with a small smile and walked to my homecare. Walking along the narrow and crowed hallways I finally made it to my homecare safely.

           I looked around the room and noticed I'm one of the many first people here, except for a scrawny pale guy in the front row.  "Hello, you must be our new student, right?" I looked up and saw a tall man, probably in his late thirtys standing there with a small smile on his face.

       My lips turned into a shaking smile, hoping I didn't show him my nervs. "Yes, Florence Mandisa." He nodded then looked at the clock on the wall, which read 8:30.

        "Well since you're early take a seat where ever you want,"

         I nodded taking a deep breath and make my legs walk over to the back of the class. Taking a seat the the two seater desk I looked down at the graffiti that many students have writen. Some were basically saying '..was here 2013' I chuckled quietly at some.

          The bell went off making me nearly jump out of my seat, I placed a hand over my chest quielty taking deep breath, I looked around to see no one was watching so the blush that was coming up on my cheeks slowly flashed away.

          Slowly students started pile, people talked loudly and laughs filled the room. I smiled nervousily. I bit my lip hoping no one will notice me in the corner. I looked down at the desk when I heard a chair pull out next to me.

         "Hey!" The girl with blonde curls chirped, I smiled. "You're the new student right?" I nodded.

            "Yes, Florence Mandisa." I said quietly giving her a smile. She nodded, a grin on her face. 

       "I'm Bree Waitfold, and you and I are going to be the best of friends!" she spoke excitiedly. I grinned, making a friend on the first day already? 

        "So, is there anything I should know," I asked waving my hands in a circle motion, mentioning this school. "Any good and bad stuff?"

     I nodded her head, her hair falling in front of her eyes. "The good is there are not many 'bitches' in this school only some," she laughed explaing it, I had to laugh at that. She looked down at my timetable and grinned. "and we have a few classes together!"

      I felt refilef go through me, at least I'll have her in some of my classes. "So what about the bad stuff?"

            He eyes flickered over to me. "There are a group of boys in this school, only three but the whole group adds up to five, their called 'The Janoskians," 

        "The Jano-who?"  

       She gave me a look to shut up and I used that warning to stop errupting. "The leader of the group is Jai Brooks, hes one of the youngest but the most baddest out of the group. Most people stay way from them, their trouble." 

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