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"So..." here is how its gonna work.

Name: 5 points for suffix, 5 for prefix. "What is a good name, then?"  For example, an old OC of me, is Silvertail. This name, is bad. Why?
Silver: overused prefix a boring way of remembering what her pelt colour is. If the cat is male, that is better because its more surprising but still, boring.
Tail: Better than pelt: can be used well, but a cat can't have a silver tail and NOT have a silver body. So, boring.

Also bad names can be to long. Butterflyflight. To plain. Redpelt. Or like this, another old and bad OC Autumnleaf. Warriors don't say autumn.

"Alright. Now what is a GOOD name, eh?"
For example: Swanplume. Prefix is based on looks, but isn't boring. 'Plume' isn't overused, and this name works your imagination. Some people just imagine a white cat. Others one that looks a LOT like a Swan.

-okay sheesh calm down.
A name like 'Spikekit' seems male, female also possible no problem. Any gender: 10/10.
A name like Poppytail: I mean, its just insulting for a male cat. 0/10 if male.
A name like Bunnypaw: Female would fit better than male, so if male 5/10.

See my point?

Ex of bad: white she cat with blue eyes
Ex of good: Black and white tom with a fluffy tail
Ex of ok: Orange tabby cat with hazel eyes

See name part.
And also: amount. If a mothercat has 13 kittens, she's already finished. *_* and the record of ever is 12 in one nest. Poor cat. So, no. 1 kitten: unlikely. 23: no. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
See? Also it must have genes that it shares with its parents and siblings. Every cat looks a bit like its brother. No cat looks exactly like it.

Now go comment your OCS. You will be tagged in the chapter if so.

'lrighty! This was : Purrfect.

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