my new life

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Before I start I would like to THANK you ALL for reading this book was fun a I really enjoyed writing it and READ I A/N at the bottom!!!!

P.S sorry the books really short and so is this chapter!


Percy POV

A mysterious voice announced "Percy Jackson, if you come with me you could; leave earth, join my army, and become the second most powerful person in the universe. do you accept?" I thought for a moment the if I do I could escape this horrible life, escape rejection, escape her...

"I ACCEPT!" was the last words I said on earth before I left. Except for the 4 words the escaped my mouth to Artemis...

...I loved you too...


First of all could you all read @evebreckon 's book 'lost' I think its awesome and she need more love! I will put the sequel up later and type it on here k love you all!!!!!


Percy Jackson Twitter Chats/ Betrayal (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora