DWW Chap. 2 (Tale as Old as Time)

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In the kingdom of Auradon, Prince Ben was having his body measured for a fitting. Looking out the window with a heavy feeling of guilt and regret. In his eyes, reflects an image of an island. The island is place where all the most dangerous and feared villains resides.

The man measures. "Sleeve. Head. Ah-ha!"

"Ben, look at you. You're all grown up."

Ben turns and sees his mother walking toward him with his father follows closely behind. "Mother. Father." He steps down the stand and walks up to his parents.

"How is it possible that you're going to be crowned king next month? You're just a baby." King Adam strolling down nostalgia lane.


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Queen Belle interrupts. "He's turning 16, dear."

The king exclaimed. "Kids they grow up so fast!"

Ben was worried if he could be a king and a rule the United Kingdoms of Auradon. "Don't you think.... I'm too young to be king?"

"Nonsense! It's tradition to have a coronation at the age of 16!" King Adam exclaim but understanding his son's feelings. "It's alright to make mistakes, as long as you admit them and fix them. Why, I made lots of mistakes until I reached the age of 42!" He jokes to make his son feel a bit better.

A brow twitched on Queen Belle's face. "Dear, what did you mean by that? We got married, when you were 27....."

Alarmed, the King panics to calm his pissed off wife."Ah.... Ah.. Honey..... That and this is different." Trying to make an excuse.

The Queen got more angry from the poor excuse. "How is it different?!"

The king makes a joke to lighten the mood. "Ah, it was either you or a teapot. Kidding!"

Seeing that his parents were having a couples quarrel, Ben distracted himself by looking out the window and sees the depressing island. He glances back at his parents, hoping that he is making the right decision. He takes a deep breath. "Mother. Father." Calling out firmly.

The King and Queen heard their son called out to them, they turned their attention to him. The Queen answers. "Yes, Ben?"

Gulps down his nervousness, Ben continues. "I have decided what my first decree will be."

Happy to what the prince said, the King straightens his back and the Queen hooks arm with the King's arm. Ben continues. "I want the kids from the island to come here. To attend our prep school."

Thinking that they both misheard what their son said. The Queen asks, "The kids from where?"

Ben answers. "From the Isle of the Lost."

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