Chapter 2

16 3 7

Troye's POV

"Wait, is that Connor Franta?"

Connor Franta. The love of my life.

I fell in love with Connor fifteen years ago. I can remember the first time I had laid eyes on him.

I remember walking into Miss. Chapman's preschool room a nervous wreck. What if these kids didn't like me? What if they made fun of me?

I remember sitting down at a blue round table and a boy taking a seat across from me. A boy with beautiful green eyes and a smile that lit up the room.

"Hi, I'm Connor Franta! What's your name?"

I started to turn around but all I heard was footsteps, running away.

No. I wanted to see him.

Annabelle and Kayden snicker behind me. I don't completely understand why I hang out with these people.

"Looks like the nerd got caught." Kayden laughs. I feel the anger boiling inside of me.

"He's not a nerd." I reply.

"Then what is he, Troye? What is a kid who studies around the clock and is on the honor roll and..."

"That was in high school. If you didn't already know, it ended about a year ago."

"Gees Troye, sorry. I didn't mean to offend your boyfriend."

"I'm not gay." I lie.

I've known I was gay for about ten years now, but no one else can know it. I'm terrified of the consequences.

"It was a joke Troye," Annabelle laughs, "what kind of idiot would be gay around here." I would.

My phone vibrates from my pocket. I pull it out and see I have a message from my dad. Oh shit.

It's time to come home Troye


"I gotta get home, I'll see you guys later."

I wave bye and head towards the door. On my way there, I look around for Connor. He's nowhere in sight. Sigh, I wanted to see his handsome face.

I get another text just as I sit down in my car.

Pick me up some beer on the way back

Just for you, dear father, I'll run out of my way to get you some alcoholic beverages.

I start the engine and head to the nearest gas station.


I open the front door just as a beer bottle shatters against the wall. I duck on instinct and cover my head with my free hand.

"You look like an idiot." I look up to see my father. I stand up and close the door.

"Here." I hand him the case of beer. He takes it from me and pats my back.

"Thanks, son." I nod and head upstairs.

At least he was nice tonight. Usually, he likes to beat on me and make rude remarks. Oh well, gotta savor it while it lasts.

As I lay in bed, a certain someone finds their way back into my mind. Connor.

I haven't seen him in almost a year, which is kind of odd because of our small neighborhood.

I never really even talked to him in high school. I was considered "popular" and Connor was a "nerd."

Me and him were never in classes together because he was always in advanced and I was in regular classes, but I always seemed to be able to see him. In the lunch line, in the parking lot or in the hallways, I was always able to see his mesmerizing face.

I drift off to sleep, still thinking of a way to get to know the love of my life without my little secret get out.

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