Chapter Seven

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Upon Olivia's concise and rather mundane return to her home-town of Washington, D.C., both she and Fitz's lives resumed to their traditionally tedious work schedules. Despite Liv's intriguing, unpredictable field of work, she found herself accustomed to the constant life of political crisis, and had nearly become immune to the jarring response that many still received upon hearing the pressing matters of politicians. Fitz, though across the country, could not keep the dam that held his endless thoughts of Olivia Pope from breaking. Each day- day in and day out, sunrise and sunset, lights on and lights off, sane and insane- the governor wondered helplessly of what the mixed signals he had received could mean. One moment, she denied him reluctantly, and the next she was making out with him on the porch of the home that he shared with his wife. Cyrus, as usual, was doing the strenuous work for Fitzgerald, which left Fitz with plenty of time to contemplate these ideas every day for the next month and a half. The day that contemplating came to an end however, was the President's birthday ball, to which Fitz, Mellie, and Cyrus had all been invited to.

With Olivia living in Washington, D.C. and Cyrus tending well to the friendship between he and Liv, the Californian governor predicted that he had an eighty-five percent chance of interacting with the most sophisticatedly sultry woman he had faced in his entire forty-eight years of life. He dwelled intently on how he would manage a way of pilfering away Olivia during his entire journey to D.C., yet beside him all the while was a sleeping Mellie- his wife, whose hand was intertwined purposefully into Fitz's uninterested limbs.

A puncturing ding-dong riled Liv from her slumber, along with swirling perplexity due to the late hour during which an unannounced guest had arrived at her door. If she was being honest with herself, she had maxed out her expenditure of energy deposits weeks ago after her return home, and she was running on three to five hours of sleep each day. Instead of rising to inquire who had arrived at her apartment, she should have rolled over and lull-ed herself back to sleep among her Egyptian cotton sheets, but curiosity had unfortunately gotten the best of her. Her fingers fumbled with the ties on her robe that shielded her velvety amber skin, clothed in little but a silk and lace gown ensemble. A terse glance through the peephole had revealed her all but expected visitor. She resisted the urge to giggle- or so at least that's what she thought the urge was- and at last Olivia opened the door to reveal her somewhat lover.

Upon laying hungry eyes on Olivia, Fitz released a satisfied gush of air. If anyone were to ask him, it was great to see Liv, nothing more. In his head, however, he knew that it had been far too long since his eyes had the privilege of viewing such an exquisite woman. He took a moment to take in her glistening skin that flowed so beautifully about the robe and gown that adorned her. Small ganders of her brown canvas stopped to say 'peek-a-boo' in the miniscule holes left open by the lace. Soft, dark hair brushed over her shoulders, accompanied by a few effortlessly tousled strands that teased the middle-aged governor. Fingers painted that same neutral taupe (a taupe Fitz had learned to appreciate as sexy) rested casually on the edge of the door, holding it open, whilst she lounged slightly against it. Her lips were painted into a sny smile and her doe eyes fluttered when they locked with his. Olivia was the essence of milk flooding into a glass for a midnight snack; smooth, velvety, rich, and thick enough to quench any thirst. Just before he spoke, Fitz managed a glance down her arm. There was the glistening Cartier bracelet, housed on her dainty wrist and twinkling proudly.

"I though I'd stop by," he offered coolly. Liv chuckled easily and let go of her grip on the door to step toward him.

"Stop by? Where are you supposed to be?" she inquired, striving to sound as if she was a bit disappointed that he'd strayed away from his government duties to steal a moment from her. Inside, however, she was elated to see him. Somehow, some way, she'd harbored a longing to know that man, to be with that man, to kiss that man, even if she knew it was wrong. With her consistent inching closer to Fitz, she soon ran into his chest and she was now looking up at him as he towered above her in seductive enigma.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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