Chapter One

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Yugi sighed as he tossed his backpack across the room and flopped on his bed. He was exhausted. Lately he wasn't feeling up to doing anything. However, despite his protests, he was dragged to the arcade by his friends. He knew they were trying to help him, but he was too depressed and nothing could help him out of it.

He missed Atem. A lot. He thought he would be okay when Atem left, but he wasn't. He was in depression. And he couldn't deny it. He wanted to see his other half. But he knew he couldn't.

Yugi sighed before forcing himself to get up. He had homework. He should get it done so he doesn't rush tomorrow morning.


Yugi looked around, but saw nothing. He was surrounded by darkness. But he didn't mind. He was used to it. It was just like when Atem took over his body.


Yugi froze. He knew that voice. It's the same voice that belonged to the one he fell in love with. But it couldn't be possible. The puzzle was lost. There was no way they could communicate.

Yugi turned and suddenly faced the same dark-skinned male he was in love with. Atem had a smile on his face as he looked at Yugi. Yugi smiled. "Atem."

Atem smiled brighter before speaking. "It's nice to see you again, Aibou." Atem said. Yugi just nodded, unable to speak. "I've been dying to see you. I need to tell you something."

Yugi nodded, finally able to find his voice. "Mou Hitori no Boku - No, Atem. I can't believe its really you." Yugi, despite trying to resist himself, launched himself at his darker side.

Atem seemed shocked at first, but hugged Yugi back anyways. "Aibou, it's so great to be able to talk to you. How have you been?"

Yugi looked up and found himself freezing as he looked into the red eyes that his other self owned. He would always get trapped in those beautiful red orbs. He couldn't help it.

Before he realized what he was doing and before he could stop himself, Yugi started to raise himself to Atem's height and closed his eyes, pressing their lips together.

Yugi expected the past pharaoh to pull away in disgust, but the taller male moved his lips with Yugi. Yugi smiled into the kiss. He knew this was just a dream but damn it felt so good and it felt real. When he felt the need to get air, Yugi ended the kiss and stepped back, blushing slightly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to surprise you. It's just that I've always wanted to do that and... I couldn't resist. I'm sorry, Mou Hitori no Boku!"

"Aibou..." Atem began before light replaced the darkness. Yugi cursed his luck as he began to wake up...


Atem woke up, his heart beating and his cheeks pink. He couldn't believe the dream he just had. It didn't feel like a dream though... It felt real! It felt as if they were in the same mind space like many times before.

This dream got Atem thinking. How was Yugi doing? He didn't look as healthy as a year ago. He looked like he didn't eat or sleep. Was he in depression? He could have been.

Atem sighed. He missed his little hikari. He missed how he would be able to watch over the little one and keep him safe. He missed their little moments that they had. He wanted to be with his other half.

He didn't just want to be near him, however. He wanted to hug him, touch him, kiss him, and do other things with him. He wanted to be with his look-alike.

Atem was in love with him though, so those thoughts were natural.

But did Yugi feel the same?

His thoughts were interrupted as his bedroom door was opened and in walked Mahado, Mana and Seto. He waved with a tiny smile. "Hello, my friends. Cousin."

"Prince!" She said running over to him. However, before he glomped him, she froze and gasped and squealed. "Who is it?" She asked excitedly, bouncing onto his bed.

The three men in the room blinked before asking in unison. "What do you mean?"

Mana just rolled her eyes. "Who are you in love with?!"

Atem froze. How could she tell? There was no way! Atem answered as everyone waited for it. "Yugi. The one whom I shared a body with in the mortal world."

Mana squealed again. "You guys would make a cute couple!"

Mahado smiled. "Then you should return. He probably misses you."

Atem looked at Mahado. "I cannot. I made my choice, remember? Besides, there's no way to return to the mortal realm." He sighed. "Even if there was a way back, I would be too afraid to go back."

Seto finally spoke. "And why is that?"

Atem looked down to his lap. "First, how would they act upon seeing me once more? To them I was always just another version of Yugi. I wasn't my own person in their eyes. They would probably treat me like they treat Yugi. I don't want that; it would hurt my partner's feelings.

"Secondly, how would I live my life? I don't understand the way of living in the 21st century. Its confusing. I would probably end up getting into lots of trouble.

"And finally..." Atem sighed. "This is my biggest fear. How would Yugi react? He thinks I've passed for good. And if I confess, will he reject me? Hate me? I don't want that. I want to be with him, but I do not know if I will be able to handle the rejection."

Everyone stayed quiet before Seto walked over and slapped Atem in the back of the head. "Would you stop worrying? I am sure everything will be alright. His friends will come to realize that you are a separate being. As for your second concern, it depends on where you end up. If you know someone nearby, then go find them. They might be able to help. As for your final fear, I'm sure he feels the same." Atem looked up. "I have been watching him and my descendant since you came to make sure they didn't get into much trouble. Your host is pretty broken up about your departure. Not just yours. The one who hosted Bakura's soul misses Bakura and the dark side of the tomb keeper male is missed as well. The two miss their hosts as well. You should all return."

"But how? There can't possibly be a way to return." Atem spoke.

Seto thought for a minute. "There might be." Everyone looked at him in shock. "If you go to the Temple of the Great Egyptian Gods and offer them your most important item, they might help you get back."

Once he heard that, Atem jumped up and quickly dressed. He had to see if what Seto said was true. He would take Bakura and Marik along with him as well. If what Seto said about their lighter halves is true, then they had to return.

One final thought crossed his mind as he walked down the halls after exiting his room.

'I'm coming back, Aibou.'


'I'm coming back, Aibou.'

Yugi froze as that sentence echoed in his mind. It sounded like Atem. But that couldn't be possible; Atem was in the afterlife. And he wasn't coming back.

He shook his head as he continued through the Game Shop to go to school. He must have been imagining it.


A/N: So, welcome to my story, Love Over Death. This book is based on a couple others I have seen on fan as well as wattpad. My friend encouraged me to write my own version, so here I am. I will probably update once a week. Maybe every Thursday. I hope you all stick with me on this story.

I also need some ideas for conflicts. I have a few (such as Yugi being kidnapped), but I will need more to keep this going. I already have five chapters planned out, but not written. So I hope you look forward to that!

That's all for now. I will update once more in a week.

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