Firey Trouble-Heavy X Winged!Reader

Start from the beginning

          Scout ran up to (y/n) in greeting and asked if she wound like to play catch with his trusty baseball. The small, frail girl nodded with a closed eye smile and ran along to play with Scout.

          (Y/n) was older than Scout considering he was 24 and her 32, but she still played around like a child which made many of the merces laugh and shake their head in amusement.

          "Heads up Scout!" (Y/n) shouted as she threw the ball through the air. Scout started to back up and run, as the ball flew past him. The two young adults watched as the ball landed in a thorn shrub making Scout frown. "Sorry!"

          (Y/n) opened her wings and pushed herself into the sky, flying over and landing next to Scout. Scout scratched the top of his head while the young girl stepped forward and carefully reached into the thorn bush.

          "Maybe I should get the ball." Scout uttered gently pushing the small girl behind him. (Y/n) stared at him curiously, but didn't argue.

          Scout had retrieved the ball, and the two young adults were back to playing catch. When Scout threw the ball high into the air (y/n) would flap her wings and catch the ball. Once in a while she would show off and do back flips of spin towards the ground only to quickly fix herself and land swiftly on her feet.

          Now the sky was becoming dark and (y/n) knew she had to start preparing dinner before the other merces get cranky. She gave Scout a warm kind smile before opening her mouth to speak.

          "It was fun playing with you Scout, but I have to prepare dinner now." Scout nodded and raced inside, probably to set the table like he did every night. As (y/n) entered the base she was stopped by Medic. "Hello, Medic!" (Y/n) smiled, as she greeted the insane doctor.

          "Hello Fräulein," Medic greeted back returning a smile, but his expression then turned serious, "Have you noticed Heavy acting ztrang?"Medic questioned putting a hand on (y/n)'s shoulder. The winged girl gave a small shake of her head.

          "No I haven't, but I'll look out for him, if I see anything strange I'll tell you okay?" The girl reassured with a small worried smile. Medic gave a little nod and slowly made his way to the dining room, with (y/n) following close behind to prepare dinner.

○ • ○ • ○

          The winged girl stood slightly panicking as the fire in the oven grew larger, 'I-I just need the fire extinguisher,' (y/n) thought, slowly calming herself as she quickly raced over to the glass covered fire extinguisher.


          The small girl was cutting up the vegetables to make a salad when out of the blue an immense heat touched her white wings making the angel girl flinch forward and quickly turn around. A large fire greeted her with a hot smack to the face make (y/n)'s (e/c) orbs growing with shock.

          'How in the living... when did this happen?!' (Y/n) exclaimed to herself as she tried to put the fire out by fanning it with her large angle wings, but to no avail, the fire kept growing. Fear took over the girl but not internally; she doesn't think off of fear only rationally. 'I must have put too much cooking oil in this batch,' (y/n) thought as she stared into the fire, 'guh, I'm so stupid!' The wing girl face palmed then returned to reality to kill the fire she so stupidly started.


          As (y/n) reached for the fire extinguisher she heard surprised gasps from many of the nine merces. Her face grew red out of embarrassment because this had never happened before, she was always the flawless cook who couldn't burn a single dish, but after today that would most definitely change.

          (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes caught Heavy carrying a large bowl filled to the brim with water. The young girl's eyes grow large as she watches Heavy shift closer to the fire.

          "NO HEAVY DON'T!!" (Y/n) screamed as her rushed forward the fire extinguisher in hand. The girl quickly kick the large bowl out of Heavy's hands making water spill everywhere, but that didn't stop the young middle aged (y/n) from standing up and extinguishing the fire. The winged girl then turned to Heavy a great angry scowl painter her expression "You, you big whatser bucket! Don't you know not to pour water on an electrical fire!"

          Everyone even (y/n) stood shocked, the pure white winged angle never yelled at anyone not even if she was boiling with rage. (Y/n) had her mouth covered as she looked worryingly at Heavy.

          "I-I didn't... I'm so sorry Hea-" But (Y/n) was cut off by a loud, obnoxious laugh that rumbled the base.

          "Little girl called Heavy Whatser bucket ha ha hahaha!!" Heavy laughed confusing the winged angel, but she was glad he wasn't mad at her. Right after (y/n) calmed herself she was surprised when Heavy lifted her up into a massive bear hug.

          Out of surprise (y/n) quickly folded her wings so the fragile bones wouldn't snap in half with the strong hug and was soon laughing along with Heavy, his embrace became gentle.

          "So Heavy isn't mad at me?" (Y/n) asked still being hugged by the large man.

           "Why would Heavy be mad at little girl?"

          "?" "I'm not that little... am I?" With that said Heavy burst into laughter once again almost dropping (y/n) but didn't. 


          Sorry this took me so long. I was working on it when I stupidly deleted my old Tf2 x reader, so I had to restart... internally, but! This one turned out better than the original so in my opinion it's a win, win

          Comment what you think I love reading your guys' comments! 

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