Chapter 4

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February 1st, 1986
Sasha's POV
The new year came and went. I went home and spent time with my family. But now here I was in Portland, Oregon.

We got on set where I saw Wil. "Hey, man!" I greeted.

He smiled and came over to me. "This is gonna be great. I can feel it. Our characters, Gordie and Sam, are real close."

"Yeah, that is great. It'll be easy to act." I smiled at him.

"Alright gang! Bring it in." We all started walking towards Rob Reiner. "So we're gonna start out in the treehouse scene."

We all nodded and got to work.


We were on set for 9 hours. I met up with Abby and we went to the hotel. And fell into deep sleep.
That's how my days went. Eat, act, sleep repeat. Sure, sometimes we went to dinner and such but that's all that happened. My relationship with River was getting stronger, much stronger. We never took off our necklaces, just wore them under our clothes. He was out of the states to film The Mosquito Coast. He kissed me before he left. I don't know what this means, but I'm not gonna make a big deal out of it.

Corey Feldman. He's something else. We have this brother sister relationship with each other. We were either best friends or at each other's necks.
July 11th, 1986
We've been filming for 5 months and we are finally finished. The movie comes out on August 6th and I'm more than excited. I've met some amazing people. The cast and I have really gotten closer.
Abby has been getting me a lot of jobs. I was very confused once, though. I thought that a man was stalking me, he had a huge camera and I was scared for my life. Apparently Abby hired him to film me, she wouldn't tell me what it was for anyhow. But he had been filming me for a long time. I think since I was 13 or 14.

My new movie is called The Lost Boys. I'm so excited because Corey Feldman is in it and this is my third movie in a row with him. We start filming in September. I play a girl named Jesse, she's a love interest for one of the main characters, Sam. Though, I don't think they have casted him yet.

On other news. I have hit puberty. Bittersweet I guess. I don't look like an 11 year old anymore, so that's great. Also, for The Lost Boys, I don't have to move out of state to film! They film in Santa Cruz so I will probably get a small condo to stay in temporarily.

I was sitting in the living room with my glasses on, reading The Outsiders. Even though I was in the movie, I still loved the book even more. It always made me cry. I was reading the part where Ponyboy and Johnny came to Dally for help when the phone rang. "I got it." I walked over to the phone and picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey Sasha." It was Corey Feldman.

"Hey Cor, what's up?"

"I was thinking that maybe we should go to lunch. Me, you and somebody else."

I laughed lightly. "And who might this somebody else be?"

"He's playing Sam in the movie, alright. Meet you at Zimmermans in 20?"

"Sure. See you there." I hung up the phone and went to get some converse on. My 'crew' did my hair and makeup right when I woke up, even though I told them I wasn't going anywhere. Good thing they did though. I called Albus, my driver who I appreciate greatly if he could come pick me up. He gladly agreed.

He honked the horn when he pulled up. I walked outside, locking the door on my way out and saw Albus waiting for me.

"Miss Ross." He nodded. I smiled and hugged him. He reminded me so much of my grandpa. "Where to?"

"Zimmermans please." I said as I got into the car. He nodded curtly and we were off.
I got out of the car thanking Albus and walked into the restaurant ignoring the cameras flashing from across the street. I saw Corey and walked up to him. He looked over and smiled.

"Sasha!" He said quite loudly which I chuckled at and hugged him. He looked me up and down. "Puberty hit you like a truck." I laughed.

"I know." I looked over at who was standing next to him. Corey. Corey Haim. Wowza. He was gorgeous. He had these beautiful ocean eyes and this great one sided smile. I grinned just at his appearance.

"He looked over and me and smiled. "I'm Corey, I've been really looking forward to meeting you!" He said as we hugged.

We sat down and talked. Me getting to know Corey. We also came up with a system. Calling Corey Haim, 'Corey'. And calling Corey Feldman, 'Feldman'.

Corey was hilarious, but him and Feldman together was the best thing. I was laughing the entire time. It was about 6 pm and we had gotten here at 1. We have been sitting here talking for five whole hours. "Look at the time." I said before sipping some water.

"Yeah, we should get going." Feldman stated.

"Yeah, but how exactly?" Corey said.

I looked out the door to see paparazzi lined up outside. I could see Albus waiting there. I felt so bad, I told him not to wait but he insisted. "We go through it?" I suggested even though it came out more as a question. Corey nodded and we all got up. He put his arm around Feldman's shoulder and intertwined his other hand with mine. I felt a blush and instantly got butterflies in my stomach. We got outside and there was cameras flashing everywhere. Questions being thrown out and none of us answering them. We got into the car and laughed at how hectic that was.

Feldman looked over at me, "So, are you going to the premiere of Stand By Me?"

"Yeah, of course. It's on the 1st right?" I asked.

"Yup. So do you have a date?"

"No. Do you have one?" I questioned.

He nodded leading me to say 'oh'. He wiggled his eyes at Corey. "But Corey doesn't have one." Corey smiled at me.

"Okay." I started. "Corey Haim, will you do me the honors of being my date to the premiere of Stand By Me."

He acted like he was thinking about it. "I'd love to." I laughed. We stopped at my house.

"Okay, how about we meet here before we go to the premiere?" I said. They nodded. "Mkay. See you guys then!"

When I got inside my room I laid on my bed and laughed, looking at the ceiling.

I think I like Corey.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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