I couldn't help but glare at the gryffindors who shot me disgusted looks. "All wizards that went wrong came from Slytherin." Ron whispered. Hermoine nodded as Harry looked at me and smiled.

I glared at Weasley, who visibly gulped. Still glaring at Gryffindors i sat down on a empty space. I looked up to see a piece of beautiful, smoking hot chicken. My mouth watered but i didn't show it. Instead i looked to my right and saw a frightened boy looking around.

I rolled my eyes and turned to my left, almost chocking on my own spit as i saw the platinum blonde hair and grey eyes staring at the food.

Draco. Draco Malfoy. As if sensing my fear, Draco turned around and i immediately masked my expression. He stared into my eyes and i couldn't help but feel scared of him.

I took a deep breath, turning away from him. "Hi." Draco breathed. I turned around. "Hi." I answered coldly.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He informed me, something twinkling in his magical grey eyes.

"Riddle. Curse Riddle." I said as i could almost feel ashamed as i told him my name. Curse. Who calls their daughter a Curse?!

He seemed to read my thoughts as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "So your new huh?" He questioned.

I nodded. He brought his hand up and i couldn't help but flinch. Draco stared at me in confusion before brushing the hand trough his hair. I sighed in relief. "Is something wrong?" He asked me and i was about to answer but was rudely interrupted by the headmaster.

"Ladies and gentlemen," He started. Then it hit me. He was Dumbledore. I had to kill him and i would do it. "Today is the that we choose our new perfects. The only difference is that these will be chosen by the goblet of fire! We have put every fifth years students name in it, so hold on to your wands as the goblet of fire makes its decision. "

Everybody held their breaths as i saw the goblet of fire being lifted next to Dumbledore. I stared at the stone object with blue fire in awe. Dumbledore raised his hand and two pieces of paper flew out of the fire as he catches them swiftly. "Ravenclaw. Harriet Disney and Gregory Temple!"

I watched as a girl with strawberry blonde hair and a boy with brown hair stood up, linking arms and walking towards the Dumbledore, who placed badges on their robes.

He lifted his hand again, and again caught two names. "Hufflepuff, Paige Night and Ben Lewis!" The two walked up to stage, received their badges and walked back.

"Griffindor, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley!" Hermione and Rob stood up, happily linking arms as gryffindors cheered and they got their badges.

"As for Slytherin, Curse Riddle and Draco Malfoy!" Panic. It rose up into my throat as i found myself getting out of my chair.

I looked up at Draco as he linked his arm with me. "Don't worry," he whispered. "I'll be there okay?"

I nodded, he knew that i didn't know anything about Slytherin. I wouldn't be able to help. I took a deep breath and walked with Draco towards Dumbledore. Out of my eye i could see Ron, Hermione and Harry giving us disgusted stares.

I ignored them as Dumbledore hung a badge on my robes. "Good luck." He whispered, before ushering every body out of the place.

I watched as a group of first years walked up to us, looking around fascinated. I swear i saw some girls blush as they looked at Draco, but i couldn't blame them.

I unhooked my arm from him, slightly scared that he'll pull out his wand and scream crucio at any time.

"So..." he started. "I'm Draco Malfoy and I'll be showing you around along with Curse Riddle." He pointed at me. "Follow us. If you have any questions, don't ask us."

I smirked, exactly what i would've said. Draco turned on his heels, turning left. I caught up with him, walking next to him as the first years followed us. We came to stop in front of some stairs that lead downwards.

"Watch out, they move." Draco said, before starting to climb down them. I did the same, wondering what he meant.

I found out quickly as the ground beneath me started moving. I wobbled on my feet as the staircase unhooked itself from one and started moving in midair to the other. Draco casually leant against the railing, as if he was standing in a lift.

That's when it happened. I felt myself fall backwards and got ready for the blow my head would receive and the pain that would explode trough my body.

It never came. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a pair of grey ones staring back at me. It was as if i was drowning in them. They were... my thoughts were interrupted as the staircase came to a stop.

I quickly stood straight, dusting of my robes and trying to make sure i didn't blush. I heard some of the first years coo behind me so i turned around glaring at them:"One more noise..." I whispered, loud enough for them to hear. All of them froze, nodding timidly. Even Draco looked tacked aback. "Thanks." I told him, looking away. "Anytime."

Losing Control - Draco Mallfoy Lovestory  - #Wattys2016Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin