Hazel’s face suddenly became red and pained, “Oh right, because he wasn’t inviting me because he might actually want me to go?” I heard venom in her voice, “Everything has to be about you doesn’t it!”

Oh crap. That’s obviously not how I meant it to come across at all. Hazel was naive to mine and Jason’s history. She knew we had had sex and that he cheated on me. She didn’t know about the drugs or Scott or how I’d returned to his bed time and time again when it had got too much. She didn’t even know about Daisy who for some reason I had kept a secret, like her existence in my life was somehow betraying my friendship with Hazel. So I didn’t blame her for being angry. If I wasn’t being honest with her, I should accept her lack of support. But still, the spite in her voice seemed to come from deeper inside of her, like it was more than just the party and I felt hurt.

“No. Hazel that’s not what I meant, I...”

“No. You listen to me, Lucy. I am sick of living in your shadow and you acting like the world is out to get you whilst you’re throwing yourself at everyone like a cheap slag. You just can’t accept that maybe no one likes you anymore except me and so maybe now, I might be more popular than you.”

Where the hell had that come from?

I was taken aback and didn’t understand. I felt a heat rising inside of me, that wasn’t anger but I couldn’t place the sensation. I had the feeling like I wanted to be sick.  This wasn’t Hazel. Someone had gotten to her...

Suddenly a face appeared at the window of the door and I recognised the blonde curls of Cassie. She was laughing behind her hand to another person I couldn’t make out, but my guess was that it was another of the plastic bitches I used to call friends. Hazel followed my gaze and a tiny flicker of guilt seemed to shadow her face but it was gone just as quickly.

“You are such a sell out.”

“No Lucy I think that’s you. You have been avoiding me for weeks. You push everyone away and now you’re doing it to me too! I came in here hoping to clear this rift you’re putting between us, to remember why you’re my best friend. But you’re just a self-obsessed, self-absorbed person and I can’t be dealing with it any longer. You need to cheer up.”

I was too stunned to speak; I opened my mouth and closed it again. I tried again to emit some words, sound, anything – but I was cut off by Hazel.

“Well, I better get going. Cassie offered for me to go round hers tonight so she could help me get ready. I told her I’d see what your plans were first but I guess it doesn’t matter much now. See you around Lucy.”

With that she turned on her heels and left. She pulled the door to slam it but the art doors are slow closing so it didn’t have the same effect that she wanted from her dramatic exist. I remained paralysed to my chair.

Had that really just happened?

In a way I was mad but equally I just wanted to find her and apologise and explain; explain everything.

But something stopped me. I knew now wasn’t the time and as an after-thought, I guessed by my apologising she’d decide against the party and I thought I’d allow her one underage, unsupervised hormone fest.  She was probably going to hate it anyway and get bored and go home early but at least she’d of got the experience.

If anything, it just fuelled my hatred for Cassie at trying to turn my best friend against me. Well, well done bitch. Ten points to Gryffindor.

The bell shrilled and I hurriedly packed away my things. As it happened I did have plans tonight. It was Daisy’s party too and I hadn’t bought her a gift yet. I contemplated about missing last period to go and buy one so I had more time to get ready but then decided I needed all the English help I could get so it wouldn’t be advisable. Well... Halloween is coming again this year.

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