"yeah! I'm good, I'm so thankful for you, you let me vent, trust me I feel so light after sharing all my fuss with you" I tugged the hair strand behind my ear which kept coming in the view to look harry, constantly irritating me

"hey! it was not fuss at all, you trusted me with your story, that's all" he tugged the hair strand behind my ear smoothly and patted my cheek with his warm hand with a warm look in his eyes, and I was frozen for a while, then I smiled back at him

"lets eat, I'm so hungry, my stomach is growling" I jumped a little and he giggled at me


after a while zayn, Alex, niall and liam went for shopping, they insisted me a lot but I wasn't feeling up to going out, and louis was napping so no one interfered with his nap, and harry decided to write some lyrics instead. I went to the studio's writing room with my coffee where harry was already sitting on the couch totally delved into his writing notepad and wiggling the pen with his fingers, while sinking into his deep thoughts, I quietly sat beside him and we only smiled. I peeked into his writing notepad while sipping my coffee, all I can see was rough brainstormed lyrics and words, many of them were crossed. I smiled looking at them, thinking that writing lyrics is not easy and it requires a lot of practice and how amazingly perfect they all are

"you drink too much coffee" harry interrupted me from my train of thoughts and I looked at him from his notebook

"yeah! I was feeling a little tired" I tried to brush it off, but he was smiling at me quietly, knowing that I am overthinking about yesterday's incident

"you can't have a better tomorrow if you are still thinking about yesterday" he casually said and I nodded at him in yes

"you're right, I shouldn't think about him, and why should I, i don't love him anymore, i hate him. and i know if he have betrayed me for a pathetic reason, Allah will take my revenge" I said while looking in my coffee

"that's like my good brave boy" harry patted my shoulder, and we both chuckled

"I cant thank you enough harry" I hugged him and he embraced his arms tightly around me, not leaving me. with which my heart twitched in my chest. I tried to move back a little but his embrace was so firm around my structure, which loosened when someone cleared his throat. we moved back, only seeing louis standing at the door with one hand in his PJs pocket, and scratching his head with other

"I know Jasmin you will cope with this shit" louis said knowing about our conversation

"of course I will, as soon as I have you all, I can do this" I said to Louis, who came and beside me on the other side

"yes you will" and he cupped my cheeks playfully

"I have written a little stuff, have a look on it" harry handed over his notebook to louis, who started running his eyes on the stuff harry has written

"its so good bro, I loved it" louis appreciated harry

"I want to read this too" I took the notepad and read it, and when I looked at harry he was already looking at me with a curiosity in his eyes

"I don't believe you wrote this" I said with my eyes wide opened with surprise

"its not good?" he asked while frowning on his notebook

"its amazing Harold, I really like it" I added and he smiled toothily

"a girl will probably say yes to these lyrics when you'll propose her" louis teased harry and he was grinning toothily

"whatever lou-eeh" he quickly stood up and went towards the long glass window to brush off what louis said

"he's right Harold" I was constantly admiring each word written on the notebook and he looked back at me smiling, just then the main door of the studio BAMMED, and we jumped a little with the noise. all we can hear was Alex murmuring something loudly and her footsteps towards the writing room where we were sitting

"seriously! you both are telling me to stop it" Alex was fuming with anger when she entered the room and sat on the couch in front of us and folded her arms near her chest, with niall and liam following her with shopping bags in their hands

"jeez! Alex, what happened?" i asked her while still sitting on the same place

"zayn just excused and he went in between the shopping" liam shrugged and placed shopping bags on the table

"he didn't excuse, alright! that zayn ditched us" she was pointing in the air, on which niall and liam rolled their eyes,
"he went away for a stupid phone call from his that blonde girlfriend, I don't remember her name" she fisted the couch

"perrie" niall added

"this is so rude Alex, you're just overreacting" I folded my arms near my chest

"well thank you Jasmin for acknowledging the fact that I react like a normal being, and you are speaking their language now" she pointed towards liam and niall and stood up

"there is no way a normal being reacts like this" harry said in a mannerly tone

"he broke the promise that he'll be together with us, it was our friends time and he ditched us for Perrie" Alex frowned at harry who just looked away at her nonsense behavior

"its okay Alex, he excused with you" liam defended zayn

"I'm wrong" she yelled and left the room angrily while I ran after her towards the stairs

"wait Alex, listen to me" I followed her till the room, she tried to shut the door but I didn't let her, she threw herself on the bed upside down, I sat beside her

"see! don't talk like that to lads, its so bad. You should talk to Zayn calmly, not the way you reacted downstairs" I said softly and patted her shoulder

"Jasmin I'm damn mad, go away" Alex yelled

"I won't" I argued

"you better stay away from me today" she was damn angry, and she dragged my hand and steered me out of the room, but I stopped her before she shuts the door again

"Alex I only want you to apologize with lads" I spoke in a low voice

"that I'm not doing" Alex yelled at me

"but its so wrong" I argued

" go the hell away from here now Jas, I'm so mad. I'll kill you" she shuts the door again on my face and I went towards the writing room again, where lads were normally discussing the lyrics which harry wrote this evening, seeing me disappointed everyone became silent as they were expecting from me to say anything about Alex

"she threw me out of the room" I sighed and sat beside harry

"she's pathetic" louis nodded his head in disappointment

"well leave her, its not for the first time she's overreacting" Niall said

"but this time, its way too much" Liam added

"she's not even listening anything" I said in a low voice

"just wait for zayn to come back, then we will talk with Alex" harry patted my knee and I nodded in yes

"anyways I'm so excited about this song, we'll just add up a little more stuff in it and TA DA it'll be ready" Niall said on which everyone continued with the discussion about the writing and recording

Truly Sincere [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now