Chapter 29

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I thought about the sweetheart dance and decided to give Logan a chance. 

"Calum? You alright?" He looked up from the ground and tried givving me a reassuring smile.

"Uhhh, yeah sure." 

"Well don't stand out there. everyone is already inside getting ready for bed. You have a show tomorrow! Now come on." I did my best to make him smile again. I went up to him and grabbed both his hands, pulling him up the stairs as he locks the front door. I shove him in his room and leave him there. I wonder what it would be like if i never met them. 

To: Logan

Thnx for the flowers :) yes I'll go with you to the dance xx

I take care of everything I needed to do before going to bed. I hide my body under the covers and try to get warm. I shut my eyes close but couldn't call asleep. I went towards the back yard seeing they had a pool and open grass with a fence around it. I go to the grass and lay down with my hoody on, making sure grass wont get in my hair. I look at the sky. It was a deep shade of blue and the stars were twinkling. It was nice with the peice and quiet. It was like nothing mattered in the world at that moment. But at the same time, i hated it. It always leads you to thinking about other things. My mind always goes back to the past. 'What ifs?' were going through my mind about Calum. He asked that stupid question and it just stuck to me.

"Why you out so late?" I stood up to a seating position and Calum was there. I didnt answer. I just made eye contact. He turned his head towards the sky and layed down in the same position i was in earlier. I just looked at him trying to read his face.

"You know, sometimes I think about whats up there. Like, if theres another world somewhere out there. I look at the stars and I think they symbolize something some times. You will always find a star like no other. It's not as bright or twinkly as the others but it still stands out then the others." He stands back up with his legs spread out straight in front of him and his hands on his sides to keep him balanced. He then looks me in the eyes with so much thought.

"I fell in love with you because you have a great personality. You're outgoing, funny, loving, caring, charismatic, and your gorgeous. Your beautiful inside and out and its hard not to fall in love with you.You remind me of the star..." He gets back up on his feet and leaves me there to think. I was so confused. I had no clue what to do. His words were repeating in my ear. I had a mixture of emotions that were so hard to describe. I guess I was... shocked?

*Next morning

I wake up and check my phone for the time. It was perfect timing, a minute before we had to wake up for the concert. My alarm started ringing form the phone and I unlock my phone to turn off the alarm. I started getting flashbacks from last night.

"No Allison! Stop! Today your going to support the guys at the concert and do nothing but that!" I started to get frustrated with myself... I'm talking to myself. I'm going crazy.


"Come in." The door swings open to find Calum. 

"Just wanted to check up on you to see if you were awake."

"Yeah I'll be ready in 25 minutes. I'll come down to make breakfast." He nodded and closed the door behind him. I took a nice hot shower and dressed up into ripped shorts and put on their merchandise with just the logo in the middle and tucked it in. I let my hair fall naturally around my shoulders with small waves at the bottom half of my head. I quickly slipped on black van slip-ons and went downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and took out a pan and started cooking just simple bacon and eggs. I opened the cabinets and found plates. I layed out enough for all of us and put the bacon and eggs on the kitchen island. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Calum was looking at me and smiling.

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