Chapter 3

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I woke up to a sleeping Calum right next to me. Oh gosh, I think we fell asleep talking. I check my phone and it was 12 am. Good thing my parents aren't strict. I woke him up by nudging his arm. Well that didn't work. Wow this guy is a really heavy sleeper.I really need to get home. I stood up then tripped over his leg and fell on top of him.

"Ahhhh, damn Al!"

Well there is one way to wake him up.

"Haha, sorry Callybear! Atleast you're awake now. Come one, we need to get home its midnight."

"Ugh fine..."

We packed up went towards the car. I can tell that he was really sleepy. He dropped me off and I kinda felt bad.

"Come on Cal. You can spend the night you seem really tired."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Now come on before you fall asleep in front of the house." I let out a small laugh.

We made our way up stairs and I decided to change into more comfortable clothes. I went to the bathroom and put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I went back to my room and Calum was asleep on my bed. Its too late... or early to deal with it so i just lay down next to him.

"Calum move over!" He groaned. Then he moved over and we fell asleep pretty fast.


I woke up and checked the clock right next to Allison's bed. It was 9:30 in the morning. She was sound asleep. I slide her head off my arm softly to keep her from waking up and go downstairs to see her mum there. She was making pancakes and bacon. Her mum saw me and we started talking.

"Oh hi. You must be Alli's friend, Calum right?"

"Yes, Mam."

"Oh please don't call me mam. It makes me feel like an old lady! Haha my name's Elizabeth but call me Eli!"

"Okay. Do you need help?"

"Uhh... No thanks I'm almost done but you should go wake Alli up."

"Yes Mam... I mean Eli. Sorry!"

"It's fine! Go. It was nice meeting you Calum."

"You too Eli."


After Calum woke me up, we went downstairs.

"Morning Mum."

"Morning hun!"

"Are you and Calum together?"

"NO!" We both yell.

"Okay calm down geez. You would look cute together!"

Oh god. We both look at each other and start blushing.

Wow! Calum ate a lot of pancakes. After he finished eating he got a phone call.

"Yah....sorry....forgot...i know...okay....I'm on my way." That was only his part of the conversation.

"What is it Calum?"

"Sorry but i need to go. I forgot we had band practice and I'm 30 minutes late. Bye!"

"Kay..." I didn't want him to leave, but he had to. I walked him out the door. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and just left. I froze... That was unexpected.

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