"Take Three!"

209 15 1

Ella Mai

I woke up hearing giggling. "Stop it, Bri." What in the world. I mentally gagged hearing them. Then, I actually gagged when I turned on my side and saw them making out on Demi's bed.

That's just nasty. No one brushed their teeth, it's just hot breath on hot breath.

Trying to drown them out, I threw a pillow over my head, which failed. I wonder if I push harder will I suffocate.. Accepting the fact the there was no ignoring them in this small room, I got up from the bed.

"Good afternoon, Sleeping Beauty." Sabrina joked, referring to my messy hair and smudged make up.

I gave her a sarcastic grin."Ha. Ha. Ha." I went into the bathroom and washed my face.

Demi giggled, nudging her, "Oh leave her alone."

I rolled my eyes." I'm going see how much it's going to cost to get another key card made." I said, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"You want to change your clothes?" Demi asked me.

"For what? Why, do you think I look like a bum?" I crossed my arms while grilling her.

She stuttered, "N-no I just--"

I cut her off, "Calm down, I'm joking," I opened the door and mumbled on my way out, "can't take a joke."

Hearing Sabrina tell her not to worry about me, I smirked. She better be worried about me. You're dating my best friend bitch you better fear me. Walking down the hallway I got distracted by the chipped nail polish on my fingers, causing me to bump into someone.

"Sorry." We said at the same time. I walked around the person.

"Ella?" I heard them say. Turning around I looked up to see bartender guy.

"Oh hi?"I gave him a polite smile despite feeling very creeped out. "How do you know my name?" He just stared down at me biting his lip. I waved my hand in his face to snap him out of his trance."

"Oh," he reached into his backpack he had on causing me to step back a little before he pulled out the little red purse I had last night. "You left this at the bar last night. I thought I should bring it back to you"

I smiled taking it, "thank you so much. I was having a freaking panic attack over it last night. I thought some crazy person would come for me." I stopped and looked up at him. "You aren't crazy are you?"

He laughed showing me his perfect teeth once again. I took a minute to actually look at him and Sabrina was right, he was cute. I wasn't sure because the light in that club was pretty dim. He could've looked like Channing Tatum in the dark and Freddy Kruger in the light. He stood about eight inches above me. He's probably 6 foot. I'm a short girl so all I knew was that he looked like a freaking skyscraper. His chocolate skin complimented his pretty facial features. The waves in his hair were dope, you don't see much of them anymore.

"Nah, I consider this my good deed for the month." He joked.

"Okay well let me thank you. Do you need cab money? You need an uber? Let me repay you." I said going through my purse as if I was searching for my pocketbook when really I just wanted to make sure all Sabrina and I's money and stuff were there, since she'd put her stuff in my purse..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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