[24] Trying and Fighting

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This chapter is also dedicated to bree3991 and The_overthinker22

Thank you so much for both of your support! :) Without you two, I would probably never have the guts to write a poem and be so honest with myself in writing!

bree3991 will always be my inspiration and blueberry_yumyum will always be my seaweed buddy! To the mysterious The_overthinker22 , when will I get to know you? You've been my supporter and I really appreciate it! :D I love you all even though I never personally know and met you before!

Accompanied by a song that acted as a mirror,

My tears fall down my cheeks,

Releasing all my worries,

But not all disappeared.

I wanted to be strong,

But they are pinning me down,

It was a war,

One to many,

I lost,

But I wanted to stand up and fight.

I wanted to correct my mistake,


It seemed impossible,

My mistake lingers behind me,

Pulling me back,

Saying that I was not strong enough,

I will never be...enough. 

I wanted to scream for silence,

Cry for remedy,


Nothing worked.

I continue to live,

Go to school,

Smile at everyone,

Pretending that I was alright,

Every single day I spent,

For the past year and a half,

Smiling for the sake of everyone.

I lied to everyone around me,

And I lied to myself,

Until this song came,

And become a mirror,

And my one and only trusted friend.

It left me in tears,

Tears that held so many dark emotions,

I held them for too long,

And this song helped me to let them out,

But I will never heal,

I will never be happy again,

Not until I break those walls that forced me to head towards the stars,

When I wanted to stay in the emptiness of space,

Surrounded by mysteries,

And complete freedom.

This song will always be my best friend,

A better friend than the ones I already had,

As this song is the only thing that understood me,

And spoke to me,

Comforts me in ways no one could.

No matter how pathetic I seemed to be.

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