My dream was strange. If started as a replay if the scene with Angelica and then Angelica somehow morphed into Angel. I woke up when Angel lightly nugged my side. I almost screamed.

"You were having a bad dream, you ok?" She asked. The dream was making my paranoid. Angel was nothing but nice and she was my protector. She would never hurt me.

I couldn't help but noticing that besides the eyes, hair, and clothes. She looks almost like Angelica.

"Um... I-I-I.. Nevermind." I mumbled.

"What is it? You can tell me anything." Angel said.

"You, um... remind me... If Angelica." I stuttered nervously.

"Yeah. That's because she's my sister. We were close until she went dark and I went light. That's why we're both fire." She explained, her grip on the steering wheel tightening.

Holy crap. My protector was the sister of a Follower. That was hard to process. Like seriously.

"Oh.. I'm sorry about that." I said quietly.

"It's ok. It's ironic that I'm trying to protect you from my sister who's trying to kill you." Angel said.

"You're staying with me from now on, even if you want to kill me." Angel said, smiling.

"Yeah. After that encounter with your sister, gladly." I said, laughing slightly.

"Yeah. Lets just make sure that doesn't happen again." Angel said.

"Sounds good." I said. The rest of the drive was quiet, but in a comfortable way.

"I'm going to contact some friends and see I they can find your parents. I'd go but I need to stay with you. Your parents would kill me if I didn't." Avery said seriously, but jokingly at the same time.

"True and thanks." I told her.

She pulled up to her warehouse. It was hard to believe the dingy building could be so different inside.

"Is your arm ok?" Angela asked as we walked in.

"If hurts, but it's bearable." I said. I felt Angels hand on my arm where Angelica cut me and winced at the pain. Then it disappeared and I looked at Angel. "What did you do?"

"Um.. I can tell you more about that later." She said vaguely.

"Seriously. Tell me." I said.

"Fine. Because I'm your protector, there are certain things I can so and one of them is pain transferring." She said. I glared at her.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself to make it easier for me." I told her.

"I can deal with it. You can feel weak or in pain if you meet Angelica or any of the other Followers. I'll do anything I can to prevent that but it will happen eventually." Angel said.

"Fine and thanks for saving me."

"You shouldn't have needed saving. I should have protected you better." Angel said, looking down.

"Angel. You did what you could and things happen for a reason. And you saved me. Don't worry, I'm fine." I insisted.

"Fine." Angel said. "So, do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sure." I agreed.

"Um... I have some movies that we could watch and there's Netflix.." Angel suggested.

"Sounds good."

Angel's POV

I looked down to see Sapphire curled up against me, sleeping. She fell asleep sometime during the movie. She made me sit through some lame chick flick. Fucking awesome, right?

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