"Okay, I will take Hazel, Frank and Leo with me. The rest of you can stay here." Annabeth said. The four of them packed and started to head out. Percy ran up and gave Annabeth a quick kiss.

"See you later." He said.

"You bet." Annabeth said. The four of them walked off, following the creek. Calypso headed into the cabin, Jason and Piper went for a walk into the woods, and Percy just kinda stood their for awhile, even when Annabeth went out of sight. Cole and I sat on the rocks on the edge of the creek. I practiced making things in the water like roses, small animals, mini cyclones, you know the basics. Cole and I talked for what seemed like hours. We talked about our family, our favorite things, and finally I remembered the thing about school.

"Hey, aren't you the new kid in my class? I'm pretty sure I've seen you in my classes."

"Oh yeah. I think I am. Right I didn't even recognize you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, but I don't know how I wouldn't have noticed you before. Especially with your green hair."

"First of all its sea green, and second-" I said before I was rudely interrupted by his lips on mine. I pushed him away and looked at him.

"Had to get you to stop talking somehow." Cole said smirking. My eye caught something in the woods, and I heard noises.

"I'm going to be right back." I told Cole.

"Where are you going?" He asked his hair falling into his eyes.

"Just wait here." I said. I left Cole alone and carefully walked into the woods, until I found the source. It was Percy and he seemed to be talking to himself.

"You must kill her." Percy said in a deep rough voice.

"I won't, she is my sister." Percy argued in his normal voice.

"But she nearly destroyed your camp, people you care about." I took a step closer and a branch snapped. Percy looked at me.

"Hey, Sam" Percy said cheerfully sounding like himself. I took a few steps into the small clearing, that Percy was standing in.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" I asked innocently.

"Nothing just going for a walk, wanna come with me?" 

"Sure." I walked closer to Percy and we started down a small trail. We walked for a little while going deeper into the woods. My gut told me that this was a trap and that I should stay cautious of Percy. We walked under the shade of some pretty large tree's. I heard the rustling off branches, and a bird call. I looked around to see what kind of bird it was when Percy slammed me into a tree.

Percy had his arm across my throat, and was pushing me into the tree. I struggled but he was stronger then me. I stopped flailing around and looked at him. His eyes were yellow like Chaos's and he was smiling creepily.

"Hello Sam." He said in a deep angry voice.

"Percy." I started he pushed against my throat harder, and it became harder to breathe. I pushed against his arm with my hands but it was no use.

"I'm going to kill you slowly, and I'm going to enjoy it." He snarled. His smile started to waver, and his eyes started flickering between, green and yellow. Percy and Chaos. He let up on my throat a bit."

"Sam." Percy said. Then his eyes stopped flickering and they were yellow again. Chaos pulled the knife out of Percy's back pocket. He flicked it open( I guess it was a pocket knife.) and brought it close to my face. He ran the blade across my cheek gently.

"Hmm, what first?" He growled. He pressed the blade up against my throat, and smiled. "Too quick." He whispered. He moved the blade down to my abdomen, and slowly cut across my stomach. I dug my nails into his arm, and he laughed. The cut wasn't too deep, but it was several inches long. Then he quickly stabbed into my side. I cried out in pain, he twisted the blade and I groaned as he slowly pulled it out.

Out of nowhere Jason came running out and charged into Percy/Chaos. They fell to the ground and Jason started repeatedly punching Percy in the face. The yellow eyes disappeared. I leaned against the tree and held my side. Piper came to my side.

"Get him too stop hitting him." I groaned to Piper. Piper walked up to Jason and tapped him on the shoulder. Jason looked at her.

"That's enough." She said gently. Jason climbed off of Percy. Jason quickly grabbed the knife off of the ground, and shoved it into his pocket. Percy groaned. His face was really beaten up, his nose was bleeding and he was barely conscious.

"What happened?" Jason asked me.

"Well, he was possessed by Chaos, and Chaos doesn't really like me anymore." I explained. Jason look down at Percy.

"Maybe I shouldn't have hit him so many times." Jason said guiltily. He flexed his hand, his knuckles were cut open and bruised.

"We should head back to the cabin, get you fixed up." Piper said. She wrapped my arm around her neck and we started walking. I looked back and saw Jason prop Percy up, he helped him stand. He put Percy's arm around his neck. They started walking behind Piper and I.

We got back to the cabin at the same time as Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, and Leo.

"Oh my gods, what happened?" Annabeth demanded going on the other side of Percy and helping him. Piper let me go and I leaned up against a wall. They put Percy on the old bed that was in the corner of the cabin. I looked down at my hand holding my stab wound. I released the pressure to look at it, and blood started oozing out quickly. I quickly applied pressure again. My hand was covered in my blood, and my shirt was soaked. Cole came running into the cabin and Annabeth dragged him over to Percy. Cole examined Percy's face, then checked over Jason's hand. No one seemed to notice that I was in the corner slowly bleeding out. My head started to spin and I slid down the wall until I was sitting. Piper glanced back at me, and her face looked instantly panicked. 

"Cole." She said grabbing his arm. Piper dragged him over to me.

"Holy shit." He whispered. He crouched down next to me and pulled my hand away from my side, blood poured out. My teeth started to chatter and my vision was dancing with black spots. Cole closed his eyes, and blue light started coming out of his hands. The black spots took over, and felt warmth, then pain, then nothing.

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