part one

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6 years, it had been that along since I had my innocence ripped from my fragile body. I could still feel the pain that clenched between my thighs if I though about it long enough. But that's the past let's focus on now.

Los Angeles 2016, it was here and now I made a vow to make myself who I was meant to be. No holding back body knew me here nobody had to give sympathy for me or feel afraid to mention anything and everything afraid to bring up the past.

"Sage?" The sound of my name rest easily in the air as I stood making my way toward the woman who spoke my name. Tall, thin, smelt like a French whore. Yup she was definitely one that fucked the boss. Her tight pencil skirt clung to her body her pale blue top loose around her top half made her appear old from behind. "Skate will be with you shortly" she spoke as she shit the door behind her.

Sitting in the chair I glanced around. I was in a recording studio. This was it one of my songs may just get published. My thoughts fell to a hault as the smell of weed rolled in and a door closing. "Sorry, woke up late" a chuckle came from a set  lips behind me. He sat on the counter in front of me baggy sweats and a t shirt that clearly was just pulled from the drawer at random "you are Sage right?" His voice hoarse sounding, tiring but hypnotizing at that.

"Yes" was all I could push past my lips at the time being. My hands trembled as I pushed a set of papers his way to begin the look over and maybe just maybe this could be the start of something new.

Time felt to have stood still but by the time I looked up at the clock, the big hand was striking 12. Holy shit had we really been at this for 4 hours?

"Ight, ma let's call it quits for today I like what you got to offer and I definitely can see us making something out of this" our eyes met and the way his crooked smile was laid out on his face, it should have been a dead ringer then and there. I was going to end up in a mess with this boy.

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