Chapter Twenty Four. (24.)

Start from the beginning

"Louis! Put me down!" Harry's voice radiated from behind Louis as he was slung over Louis' shoulder. "Never!" Louis laughed, a loud laugh, a true laugh, and he did too. Soon enough, they were laughing for no reason, for countless minutes.

My fondest memories are the smallest ones, the ones no one else would ever think about a second time.

"No, Lou! I don't take pictures, you know that." Harry whined slightly as Louis tried once again to persuade him. His curls were tight and yet wind blown across his head, his eyes sparkling with humor and enjoyment.

     "Please, baby? I just want one!" Louis jutted out his lower lip slightly, his hair blowing slightly in my eyes.

     "Why?" Harry drawled out the 'h', complaint in his tone strong, mixing with his accent.

        "I want it as my phone background, or to frame and put it in my room. So that when you're away from me, or I'm away from you or whatever, I can look at it." Louis.wasn't the least bit sheepish when it came to Harry and himself having public display of affection. Louis was proud of Harrh; he'd show him off every time he could.

       "Just one," he said, trying to be stern, but with his rose-y read cheeks. Louis couldn't take him seriously. Everyone knew he couldn't say no to Louis, and Louis enjoyed taking that to his advantage in every way possible.
      There would be no future with out Harry. Absolutely no future and absolutely nothing making Louis happy. Louis needs him to make him happy, he makes him happy. Harry is Louis' happiness, in every way.

      Louis knew he was coming, he was coming here, just like Zayn and Niall had told him. He heard him before he saw him. "Louis!" Harru shouted. Louis' heart leaped and flew from the cage of nervousness it was recently in. "Lou?" Confusion etched his tone, and it caused a small, yet powerful, smile to raise on Louis' face.

      "Right here!" Louis called, hastily smoothing down his hair; it was windy, a slight chill outside. The small breeze made Louis' baby grey dress shirt ruffle, and the left side of his black skinny jeans stick to the side of his leg. The tie he had on, black in color, flew to the right as the wind picked up a little.

       When Louis saw Harry, his eye brows were raised as he basked in Louis' appearance. "Why are you wearing that? Louis? What's going on?"

        As he talked, Louis drowned in his accent. He wanted to taste Harry's words on his tongue, to hear his heart as it beats as one with Louis', as he have before. Louis wondered about the future a lot, but looking in Harry's eyes, Louis saw all he was and all he'd ever be. He saw their kids, he saw their old wrinkly smiles and he saw them having a house together. Louis saw it all in Harry's eyes.
       The grass was blowing softly in the slight wind, the sun setting behind us, seeing as it was beginning to turn into night time.  Louis stared at Harry's face, trying to word it, trying to say he was beautiful. Trying. Even in a pair of sweat pants, and his short sleeve Ramone's shirt, clinging to his body due to wind. Louis opened and closed his mouth slightly, trying to find the words in his head. The words he had practiced in front of the mirror for the last few days. Louis started talking, and before he knew what he was saying, before he fully wrapped his head about my words, he couldn't stop speaking. "I remember when I first met you.

     "You were sitting there, near the bench we're sitting on now, with a small pout on your face trying to connect the two blocks together. As I ran to you, I saw you throw them both down in frustration and even now, I think it was the cutest thing. I was small, and I didn't even know what liking someone was, but I remember feeling sparks the first time our hands connected--when I picked up the blocks from the ground with one of my hands, which were at the time bigger than yours, which isn't the case now--and the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. Only with you, every thing was intensified. The sparks were lightening and the butterflies were the zoo.

      "And somewhere around the time you stole my first kiss when I was thirteen under one of our forts that we had made because, admit it, forts are cool as shit, or around the time you had come to me crying about the fact that Brittany Laurence had dumped you in year ten, I fell for you.

     "I fell for you more due to the way that your lips  stole the end of my sentences, and I fell for the way you constantly make fun of the fact that I can't use chopsticks and I can't tie a cherry stem with my tongue like you can. It all ties up, like that cherry stem you tie, it ties kind of like the way someone ties their shoes. We were always double knotted together, unbreakable for even the stronger dumb ass who accidentally did it. I think that dumb ass though, was God. Though I'm not religious, I know one thing. God gave me you as a good part in my life. You balance it out. We're like ying and yang. I'm the bad, you're the good. If you like to call good someone who would do anything to make one boy named Harry Edward Styles smile for a fraction of a second. Then yeah, I'm good. And I'm proud to be good, just like I'm proud to be yours.

"I'm an devil damned to the hell of your body, mind, soul and the tethers of your hearted veins being intricately woven into mine. And I'm okay with that.

    "We met right here. I took your hand and we ran back to our mothers, after I had dried your tears from crying over being frustratingly agitated. And for those of you who know me, I'm not in the habit of taking people's hands I've never met before. But I think that my soul knew something that my body and my mind didn't know yet. It knew that our hands were meant to hold each others, fearlessly and forever, which is why it's never felt like I've been getting to know you. It's always felt like I was remembering you from something, as if every lifetime you and I have lived, we've chosen to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again, and over and over for all eternity. And I just feel so lucky that I found you so soon in this lifetime because all I want to do, all I've ever wanted to do, is spend my life loving you. Harry Edward Styles, my amazing friend, my one true love, will you marry me?"

     At a shock for words, Harry sat there. Staring at Louis, his mouth agape and his face red, tears soaking his cheeks. His blue eyes held so many emotions that, in that moment, Louis had to look away. "Yes." Who knew such a simple word could take Louis' breath away?

     Next thing Louis could notice was his lips on Harry's, Harry's hands roaming his face, and the feeling of a plush bed below him, them making love. It was all a dream to them both, an apparition of not only infatuation, but the overwhelming feeling of hope. Hope for a future with Harry. And Harry was hoping the same.

But not even hope could make it real.  Boy boys thought that they would be together forever. Little did they know, there is one thing that tears apart and ends that. Death.

A Little More Difficult (Hybrid!Louis, Gifted!Harry, AU Larry Stylinson! *COMP*)Where stories live. Discover now