Chapter Eighteen. (18.)

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Louis' Point of View.

You're going to rot in hell for that, you fucking nasty homo. You're going to rot in hell for that, you fucking nasty homo. You're going to rot in hell for that, you fucking nasty homo.

I know. I know. I know.

I looked in the mirror and could see nothing but a nasty homo. I haven't eaten in two days, sense that happened. I can't eat, and to be honest, I don't want to. Why? Because I don't deserve to. Why don't I? Because I'm nothing good.

My eyes have never looked so dull and full of pain as they did now, at this moment. They had never looked more disgustingly boring. I guess they ARE boring, I'm a boring person, after all. I never have done anything good in this world, never brought any joy, only fucked things up.

People always say that there is a reason that you are put in on this earth. I couldn't help but wonder if mine was to be the one that was out casted. Would the world ever go around without someone different to pick on, to poke fun of? I doubted it would, maybe, in a way, I would be that person.

I'm definitely not religious, but as I looked in the mirror, dull eyes, red as a tomato, were the white should be, prominent shadows under them, and a deteriorating, lacking confidence stature, I couldn't help but think that I could never go to heaven, if there is one, I would definitely go to hell.

After all, that's where all of the gays go, right? I'm nothing but what my mother called me. My own mother said that, why would she lie? My own mother decided to tell me that. Is that what she really thought of me? Did she really think of me that way? I sighed.

Tears leaked out of my eyes as I thought and the words replayed in my head again and again. Maybe I was just making a big deal out of nothing, I tended to do that a lot.

"Louis?" I heard Harry's deep voice from the other side of the bathroom door, interrupting my thought by him banging repeatedly on it. "Open up, babe!"

I didn't even bother to hide my tears or wipe them away as I unlocked the bathroom door. I was automatically pulled into his strong arms, and for the first time in the past two hours, I felt secure.

I don't know how long I cried, and I don't know how long we sat there in an embrace, tears leaking out of my eyes. I don't know, and I don't understand. It's like an apathy of everything but sadness.

"That wasn't her." Harry spoke up.

"What?" Confusion leaked in my voice.

"That wasn't your mom that said that."

"Harry," I sighed. "I know you're trying to make things better but don't say that, because I saw her and I know it was--"

"Louis!" Harry suddenly seized my shoulders in a desperate attempt to shake the stubbornness of that belief out of me. "It wasn't her! You've been in this damn funk for, like, a few damn days thinking that it was your mom and I didn't want to bother you, because you didn't want to be bothered, but seriously!? Louis, it WASN'T YOUR MOTHER. Didn't you see anything different about Jay?! Her eyes, Louis. Her eyes!"

I stay silent, waiting for further explanation. "They only turn purple when a demon over takes someone. They only turn purple when a demon fucking goes in to the person's body. Don't you get it, is it fucking clicking all together now!?"

And as he said that, it clicked.

I shook Harry off of me, and ran to the living room. I sat on the couch and did nothing but stare. For a full minute, I did nothing but stare. Stare and stare and stare, think and think and think.

"Call her. Call for her." I spoke, knowing Harry was behind me. I could feel his presence like a thick smoke ."Now.""

"I don't think that's--" I spun on the heel of my foot, and walked to him, cutting him off.

"I don't care! This is all shit, and I'm ending this. NOW. Call her in the mind link, Harry Edward Styles. Don't test me."

Something in my eyes must have been daring him to test me. I could feel my canines extend out of my mouth, elongating. I could feel my ears shift, my vision became clearer and  

I could hear everything clearer than before. My tail was growing, I could feel the hair bristle out of the anger radiating off of my body.

This kitten was done, this kitten was morphing into a lion.

And like all Lions, territorial and angry, I let out a dangerous roar.

I roared with so much anger and venom in the sound that the house shook. Harry must have jumped twelve feet in the air as he shakily called to Sally in her mind.

I was angry. I was furious. I was so raging my eyes were hot, I could feel the fire in them, red, burning, and passionate anger.

"Go in the other room." I ordered Harry from across the room. My voice was octaves lower, deep and gravely. It almost scared me, so it no doubt scared him.

"No! Lou--"

"NOW. Don't. Go hide. Don't come out. No matter anything. Talk to me in my head if you need me, but I don't want you here when I do what I'm about to do.

"I.... o-okay..." Harry walked over to my half shifted body and enclosed me in a hug. For a moment, all anger disappeared and a calm auro washed over my body. Only for a second.

I fiercely grabbed Harry's face in my hands, and kissed him all the passion in the world. "Go." I lightly shoved him. "Go, go, go."

"Wait! Louis... come back safe?" The desperation in his eyes was immense, tears swimming in the emerald pools of emotion.

I didn't answer that question. Because something was telling me that I wouldn't come back safe. Instead I said, "I love you."

"I love you too." He ran back over to press a kiss to my lips. His tears soaked my face as I tried to wipe them off with my thumbs. "So much," I whispered. "So much."

I watched as he fastly jogged into the farthest room from the living room.

The next thing I heard was the door opening over my growls and Harry's voice in my head.

"She's here... Be safe. I love you."

That feeling that I wouldn't make it out safe, that feeling was right. I didn't make it out safe.

15 votes for the next chapter. I'm so excited to show the next chapter, it's already written. :) Comment, please! Vote! Fan! Also, I'm SO sorry for the late update, and the short chapter!

A Little More Difficult (Hybrid!Louis, Gifted!Harry, AU Larry Stylinson! *COMP*)Where stories live. Discover now