The meet up

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Angela: well Bree is my best friend I would say, and Austin is your fathers best friend too other than me of course
Tyler: what? Really?
Angela: yes! Their daughter is beautiful you are dating Olivia right not Jade or Dani?
Tyler: yeah I'm dating Olivia
Angela: that's great why don't you come with me to meet them?
Tyler: well... I don't know
Angela: it would be nice
Tyler: but I'm not sure if Olivia wants me to
Angela: I'm sure she wouldn't mind
Tyler: *fake smile*

Tyler was worried Olivia would get mad at him for not listening to her, but then again she only said she didn't want to visit his parents, she never said he couldn't visit hers, but he thought it would be best to call her and ask
Olivia: Tyler! Hi, what's up? Everything okay?
Tyler: hey, my parents are your parents besties
Olivia: oh you found out *bites her lip*
Tyler : you knew and didn't tell me!
Olivia: I didn't want this to get in the way *bites nails*
Tyler: anyways, my mom wants me to meet them and your sisters
Olivia: what?!!
Tyler: so should I go, well that not really a question since my mom is forcing me, but I still thought I should ask
Olivia: well, i don't know
Tyler: HEYYYYYY!!!
Olivia: Tyler! Chill, I think you punctured my eardrum
Tyler: why don't you come to visit you can see your family and we can all meet, so what do you say?
Olivia: let me think about it... I did tell them to come visit, and since you're there and they are too, I'll get to see you all... okay I'll come.
Tyler: that's great I'll book you the next flight let me tell my mom
Olivia : K bye, I'll go pack

Olivia was so excited and called her sisters and told them, they were even more excited, Olivia got on the plane and was on the way there. Once the plane landed she was overly excited to see everyone, everyone was there waiting for her, she saw them and her parents took her bags to the car while she greeted everyone, Tyler's parents only talked to her for a few minutes and they already loved her and she loved them, she got home and unpacked. then went to dinner with all of them, it was Angela's restaurant, Olivia still remembers it from when she was a child her favorite dish was from Angela's cookbook and it was Tylers favorite dish too! They were all surprised how alike they were and how amazing everything would be, as they enjoyed their food something went wrong, a huge Loud sound, went BANG! And the restaurant was on fire! All everyone thought was, with a fire this huge could they make it?

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