Naomi's Back

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The hug completely shocked me, and the only thing I could do was hug back. Lillyan was watching, and she didn’t know me. She knew Naomi, and she stuck with her. I could hear Naomi start to cry. It made me tear up.

Pulling back, Naomi looked into my eyes and smiled weakly. Below her bandana were darker streaks of black, if that was even possible, and small trails of tears had found their way down her cheeks.

“I wanna go see everyone,” Naomi said softly. “I miss them too.”

Nodding, I smiled. She turned around to Lilly and beckoned her forward. The smaller Turtle came up and nodded a little solemnly. Now, before I continue with this tale, let me explain a little about all of us. There are eight of us, but with one mutation and Lilly here, that makes ten of us…

Naomi is my partner, and sister. Her bandana is black and her eyes blue, but they can sometimes turn a darker blue when she wants to control minds. That’s right, she can read minds, control minds, and even predict the future. Her weapon is a metal staff and she likes Raph. I know later how much she does…

I’m Mikito. My bandana is pink and my eyes are light brown. My weapon is two Katana swords that can combine at the hilt. Naomi says my power is pointing. Sometimes I do that and something bad happens. Lately, I’ve been getting in the habit to not point. And, boy, do I like Mikey.

The new Turtle here, Lillyan, is new to me, but not to Naomi. I don’t know much about her since I just met her. All I know about her is that her bandana is a violet color and her eyes green.

Another one of my sister’s is Sophia, otherwise known as Sophie. Not much difference, I know, but it’s just easier. Her bandana is blue-green and her ends are always found over her shoulders, and her eyes are brown as well. The weapon she uses is a smaller Katana blade, otherwise known as a Wakizashi. Then as far as I can tell, she likes Leo.

One of the newer sisters of mine is Natasha. She was once human, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t fit in. She’s practically one of us! Her mask is grey and it’s tied up in a sort of bun with two pins keeping it in place. Weaponry-wise, it’s a pair of whips. And she admitted one night she likes Mikey, but I’m not giving up without a fight.

Michelangelo, also known as Mikey by most of us, is my personal favorite. His bandana is orange and cut short for his ends. I still haven’t got the chance to ask him why. We’re just always so busy. His eyes are the same light blue as Naomi’s. He’s funny and very hyper. And his weapons are nun chucks that can extend into a Kurosaga chain to entrap opponents.

Raphael, also known as Raph, is Naomi’s crush. His bandana is red with his ends slashed multiple times, along with a small lightning bolt shape crack on his front shell. His eyes are the same green as Lillyan’s curiously. Then his weapon choice is a pair of Sais like the recently deceased Reiley…

Leonardo, or Leo, is the leader of us all, Sophie’s favorite, and the only one with a blue bandana. Although he can be a bit stern, it’s only his job to lead us out of trouble on most occasions. His weapon, like me, are two Katana swords, but his can’t combine at the hilt.

And the last Turtle, Donatello, or Donnie, is pretty much alone… He likes April, but nobody but Naomi’s sure if April likes him back, and Naomi won’t share any of the information with us. He’s the smart one out of us and isn’t afraid to admit it. His weapon is a normal wooden Bo staff.

Now, back to the story because that’s everyone that I know of currently. When we get back to the lair, I’ll add some more information, so just a heads up.

We set off for the lair, me leading for once. Lilly and Naomi were behind me, taking their time. Naomi was slowly inching toward me though. When we finally reached the usual manhole cover we reached to go sewerward, Lilly nearly vomited.

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