Chapter 13: A Crossed Line

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Harley left the butcher shop after getting the cuts of meat for her pets. Returning to Wayne Manor, she looked forward to seeing her babies again.

When she arrived at the palatial estate, she thought it odd the main gate was open, but she dismissed it because she was expected this morning. Bruce and Alfred always seemed to know when she was coming or going. Turning around the long curve of the driveway, she followed it around behind the house to the back yard.

She was no sooner off her motorcycle when a pair of hyenas came bounding across the yard toward her.

"Babies!" Harley called out, kneeling down with outstretched arms. "Come to Mommy!"

The large animals raced over to her, knocking Harley over backwards in their enthusiasm.

"I missed you too," Harley said while petting the two beasts. She pushed them away momentarily. "I got something for ya. Wait right there."

Harley reached into the sidecar of her motorcycle and pulled out what she'd picked up at the butcher shop. The cuts of meat were still on the bone to give the hyenas something to gnaw on afterwards. Her pets wagged their tales eagerly and started salivating. She tossed the meat chunks into the air, and the hyenas jumped up to snatch them away before they hit the ground.

Harley smiled as she watched them enjoy the snack. Deciding she could use a bite to eat herself, Harley headed for the house.

The hairs on the back of her neck jumped to attention when she discovered the front door slightly ajar. Alfred would never have left it open in such a manner. Harley flattened herself against the wall and peered into the darkness of the interior, but she couldn't see anything of consequence.

Easing the door open slightly, she spotted something on the floor and realized it was Alfred. The butler was unconscious on his back, a green mist on his face and mustache.

Harley had seen this particular method employed before. Leaving the entryway, Harley raced for the library, pulling down the pendulum on the grandfather clock as she'd seen Alfred do when she'd first been taken to the cave by the butler. The clock moved aside, and Harley took the steps down two at a time to reach the bottom.

Digging through shelves and pulling out drawers, she rummaged through the extensive medical supplies to find what she needed. Locating a small vial and a pressurized injector unit, she ran back upstairs and knelt beside Alfred.

Breaking the seal on the vial, Harley shoved it in the open end of the injector's handle grip. She pressed the device firmly against Alfred's neck before pulling the trigger. A slight hiss sounded as the medicine was injected.

Alfred came awake with a start.

"It was Poison Ivy," Alfred explained.

"I know," Harley admitted. "I recognized her mist toxin and got the antidote from the cave medical supplies."

"How did you know we had any?" Alfred asked as he stood up from the floor and brushed off his suit.

"Batman's come up against the toxin before, so I thought he might have some of the antidote lying around," Harley explained.

"Speaking of Batman," Alfred mentioned. "Where's Bruce?"

"Isn't he at work?" Harley asked. She'd memorized his work schedule during the time she'd spent stalking him.

"He was working on something for you, a surprise," Alfred explained. "He came home early, and we were ambushed."

Harley whistled loudly, and after a few moments, her hyenas came scampering through the front door. Taking one of Bruce's coats from the closet by the front door, Harley held it out for them to smell.

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