2. Alex Franco: Demon with Benefits

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I lick my lips, sitting up slightly. "Tease."

"You're one to talk."

I sit up, climbing onto his lap. I kiss him hard on the mouth before teasing his neck. I run my tongue over it, and he's starting his rhythm again, holding my hips possessively. I meet his friction with some of my own.

"Fuck," he growls. He tugs on my short hair, taking my mouth roughly. "Avery."

I hum in response to the name. My fingers dig into his back, pressing so hard that I think I'll bruise the skin. I quickly flip us around so that he's facing the headboard. I grab the top of it before riding him, feeling the new juice sinking into my system.

The pressure on my hips is almost hurting me, his teeth are biting deep into the skin of my neck. I let out a loud gasp, going a little harder against him. He can't match my pace now, I'm faster than he is.

But he's the one to reach Nirvana first. His causes mine, and then we're both a pile of sweat and sex on the bed, panting like we've been suffering in the heat all day.

Alex laughs breathlessly. "That was..."


"That's one word for it."

I run my hands across his chest, lingering a little longer on the scars on his body. "Steamy?"

"Mm. Sexy."

"Sloppy?" I tease.

He frowns. "This isn't sloppy, your fighting was."

I roll my eyes.

"I'm thinking..." He runs his hands over my thighs. "I think you should pay me back for my good teachings."

I tilt my head. "Damn, you're needy." I laugh. He definitely wasn't like this when I agreed to let him teach me to embrace my inner demoness.

"Just one more little request, Aves."

I push myself closer against him. "Name it."

After a little more "late night activity", we decide to call it quits. I step out into the night, clothed of course, where the sky is pretty dark. I'm leaning against my truck, which has gotten some miles on her pretty recently with all the running around we've been doing. I've made sure to keep her clean, too, in case God forbid cops come sniffing around her.

I run my hand through my short hair. It's still strange, to want to comb through a lot of hair but go through a lot less than before. This wasn't Alex's idea, the hair. It was all mine. The choice of going to him for help was mine.

I don't want to admit it, but, Alex Franco was right. My inner darkness, I tried to run from it for so long, and look where it got me. I came to him in the end anyway, I just prolonged it by living in denial: thinking that my brothers, and my angelic ex-boyfriend, had faith in me trying to keep myself in check.

All of us were so very, very wrong.

How come they haven't come for me? Did they write me off as a lost cause? Not that I would ever be upset about that. Next time I see any of them, they're going to die. Mark of Cain or no Mark of Cain, Dean is the first on my list. I might have a harder time killing Sam and Cas, though, should I see either of them.

I haven't thought about the trio for some time since I left the bunker in Kansas. They left my mind rather quickly. My hatred most likely has something to do with that. They didn't believe in me, so I ran to find someone who did. Someone who understood me. Someone who could teach me.

He also turned out to be someone who was an animal in the sheets too. An unexpected bonus.

The thought of my brothers and Cas angers me. Most of my weapons I left at the bunker. As far as I'm concerned, we're on two different sides. Me versus them. I made sure to discard my phone once I found Alex. I wanted no contact with them, whether or not they really wanted to try and find their runaway demon and try to bring me back to the light.

Fuck that. Coming out of Hell and becoming a demon, that's who I am now. That inner darkness, I've just been holding back. My morals kept me in check when I was human. Now, I feel like I've got no strings attached. No responsibility. No duty to protect people.

"Planning our next retreat?" Alex teases me. He has the decency to not be naked outside, at least having pants on. I enjoy the shirtless sight. "What's on your mind?"

"What makes you think I'm thinking about something?"

"You've got a look."

"As much as I love killing people, they're too easy. Not a challenge." I shrug.

"Don't tell me you're hoping that your brothers will find you."

"It doesn't have to be them, just someone who can give me a challenge. Not that they would, because I'm obviously stronger." I snort.

"You're not gonna go looking for them, are you?"

"Why? Worried I'll get myself killed?"

"No. It's just—when you came to me, you told me you wanted my help to build you up, not to help you in a revenge scheme. If that's changed for you..."

"I'm not sure, Alex." I tousle my hair. I think back to Dean's parting words for me: I'm giving you an once-in-a-lifetime get-out-of-jail-free pass. You walk out that door, you don't come back. The next time I see you, you're going back to Hell and staying in that hole you came out of.

"I wasn't saying that I wasn't going to help you. Believe me, I hate the Winchesters just as much as the next monster." He chuckles.

"Yeah, well, killing one of them will be easier said than done." Last I knew, Dean still possessed the Mark of Cain. If he dies, he comes back like Alex and me. A demon. And I remember handling him in that short period of time. He'd been pretty rough to handle.

He'd be even more so the second time. Just a hunch.

Alex's expression changes, and it kind of unnerves me. It's almost like he's looking at me in...adoration. Like how a certain angel used to. Demons don't feel things like that. We weren't made for that purpose. If he's caught feelings for me, I clearly don't feel the same. It's a one-way street.

"Tell you what," I finally say, "how about you go head back inside? I'll join you in a few." I smirk.

A kiss seals that deal. But as I watch Alex leave, as I turn back around, I find a sight I never expected to see this soon.

We look at each other as though we've been long lost friends. An anger sears in my chest. He's associated with my brothers. They all turned their backs on me.

He's looking at me as though I've died all over again. I guess I have. Josette Winchester is no more.

He's still a distance away, but even that feels too close for me. I don't have a chance of grabbing a weapon close by, not unless I run back inside and retrieve something. I stand straight, irritated, as I see the trench-coated angel slightly limp across the gap, saying nothing. He doesn't need to say anything, his eyes do that for him already.

"Well, well," I say loudly, "look what fell from Heaven. Hello, Castiel. Did you come to die?"

**[looks innocent] As much as I love Demon!Jo/Avery/whatever she wants to be called, she can't be that way for long. This whole Avery Franco deal wasn't gonna last. Probably relieves my Cassette shippers.**

Legacy (Supernatural) [Rogue Trilogy] {3}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz