Volume 2 - Chapter 13: Adorable Overload

Start from the beginning

"There... there was another village?" She wonders, thinking back on what you've said.

She remembers hearing something about a previous failure when Ozpin and Glynda spoke to you some time back. It's obviously a sensitive topic for you, and she's unsure whether she wants to press it. However she genuinely wants to know more about you to help. She just wants to help you... to know you... to be there for you.

"What, ah... what other village?" She hesitantly asks, quivering in fear that you might be angry with her.

You huff, thinking on whether to speak.

"Look, Little Red, I like you. I do. But you don't need to know all my baggage, you know?" You shrug.

Ruby pouts. She turns away from you, but her hand is still coveted by yours. She looks down at her feet and starts drawing lines with her tippy toe.

"When I became leader, I thought it was really fun. We had laughs, unpacked, woke Weiss up," you chuckle at that one. "And made bunk beds. But... I had no idea how to be a leader, or what it meant. It wasn't until Weiss yelled at me and Ozpin talked to me that I learned what it really meant." Ruby looks up at you with her brilliant silver eyes, which, to her surprise, you're looking back at her. "So... sometimes it's best to listen to others and take their advice. I do, even if I'm the leader. You should too, even if I'm just... your friend," she hesitantly says.

You huff at her words, but not out of frustration. You know she wants you to trust her, and you do, but you only spoke of your home because you were on the edge of your sanity. Plus Ozpin and Glynda already knew about it, so talking to them about it wasn't too bad. This is reliving the experience, not that you've necessarily suppressed those memories all that well, lately. Ruby hopefully stares at you, hoping with all her might that you'll share more with her.

"I lived with my parents when I was young. I... I really liked the thought of being a Huntsman, you know?" You chuckle, blankly staring at the ground. "It was probably because my dad was such a famous Huntsman. He even... you know what? Follow me. I'll show you something," you say, pulling Ruby's hand along.

Ruby follows you without question, happy that you're telling her things. You bring Ruby along under the umbrella, your arms touching the entire time while you both try to stay dry. Ruby looks away from you, her face completely red from embarrassment, and her mind's on fire from your mere touch. Her heart's beating a million miles a minute from the simple contact. You, on the other hand, aren't noticing Ruby's odd movements and red face. You're focused on remembering how to get to where the statues situate.

Unknownst to you or Ruby, however, someone is lazily following you both, unsure about why they're even doing it.

You lead Ruby to the statues, and she gasps at the sight.

"Whoa! I've never seen these before!" She says in amazement.

You bring her in front of the statue of your father and uncle. She stares at it, taking in anything she should. She looks at one of the figures and analyzes the sword.

"Hey... isn't that yours?" She asks.

You nod.

"Yeah... that's my father."

She looks at you, surprised, and then back at your father.

"No way!"

"Yeah... other than Crimson Blaze, it's the only thing I have left of him. I didn't even know it was here."

You both stare at the statue, observing the stone eyes gazing forward. Ruby tries to draw comparisons between you and the statue, but the stone doesn't give specific details. The only thing that reminds her of you is the evident smile on Jet's face. Even as stone, she can see a resemblance between your notorious smile and his. She inherently smiles, then looks over at you. You're obviously deep in thought about something. Suddenly your opposite arm slowly moves to your shoulder and rests on it. Ruby gets serious, not wanting to stay on the sidelines.

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