Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

"Harry! I know you can hear me! Don't come to the hospital! Please don't! Liam will be better if - NO! Don't touch him! Andy - " Karen got cut off again and the phone went dead.

This isn't happening! Did Karen just say Andy?! What was he doing there? He better not be touching Liam again! I swear I will kill him...But why doesn't Karen want me to go to the hospital? Clearly they need help or something. Especially Liam...Oh, Liam! What's happening to you? 

"Harry...I know what you're thinking. But don't - " Louis said carefully, slowly grabbing my shoulders to stop me from shaking with anger.

"Don't what, Lou?! Huh? Andy is after Liam again and I'm going to kill him! I don't care if people have to watch me do it. I'm gonna kill him and anyone else that helps him. I'm not letting him take Liam away from me again. Not this time," I said through clenched teeth in anger and walked to the door, only to be blocked by Dad and Mark. "Dad, Mark, move out of my way...please."

They shook their head and led me back in the living room, dragging me as I tried to pull away and run to the door unsuccessfully. They sat me down on the couch an held me there.

"Let me go! I have to save Liam - " I cried out, tears threatening to fall.

"Shh, Harry. We know you want to help Liam and his parents, but this is the way to do it. You heard what they said. We can't let you go to the hospital after Liam," Mum said, caressing my cheek to calm me down.

"But what if Andy is - "

"Harry, stop. Please...Don't think that way. Just trust that this is the best way to keep Liam safe for now," she said and hugged me as I cried in her arms.



"Harry, stop fidgeting. You'll see him soon enough," Louis scolded me as we waited outside Liam's hospital room. He was still at the mental hospital and we just got a call from Karen that he was stable enough to see more people now. I ran out the house to my car and Louis followed me, to make sure I don't make a detour and hunt Andy down. Like I'd do that now anyways. That can wait until AFTER I see Liam. I've missed him so much. 

"Sorry, Lou. You know I haven't seen him in over a week and I'm dying to see him again. I can get him back now, Lou. Can you believe that?" I said happily, smiling like a maniac.

"Yeah, it's great you feel that optimistc, Haz. It really is......But don't-...Never mind," Louis said hesitantly and looked away from me.

"What? Lou, come on. Tell me. Don't what?" I aksed, confused.

He sighed and looked at me. "Just-, you know. Don't...don't get your hopes too high about getting Liam back NOW. I know you have a chance with him again, but don't let yourself be too disappointed IF it doesn't work yet. It will in time," he said with a small smile and squeezing my shoulder lightly.

I frowned at that but nodded. "Yeah...I guess that's a possibility."

"Hey, don't let me bring you down, Haz! Really! That's not what I meant to do at all. I just wanted to warn you of the other possibilities of this. That's all. You have a chance, Haz," Louis said and patted my back.

The door of Liam's room opened and Karen walked out with a smile. "Hi there Harry and Louis! You can come in and see him now."

"We're taking that as good news," Louis said and stood up with me.

Karen laughed and said, "It is. He's doing so great. He talks to us almost about everything again and he's happy and smilling."

"That is great news," I agreed and nodded at her.

Truly, Madly, Deeply [Lirry] EDITING!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora