Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Harry's POV* 

I felt  like my heart was beating again (although I knew it couldn't) as I drove and finally got to the hospital. Liam was there. My Liam was there...He was probably hurt from being with Andy at the Academy. I swear, if he actually touched Liam, I will kill him when I see him again.

I parked my car and turned off the ignition. I quickly got out and jogged to the hospital doors, not waiting for my family to join me. I reached the reception desk and asked for Liam's room.

The receptionist frowned and gave me a sympathetic look. "He's in room 1528, here on the first floor. But...he's- he's not quite stable for many visitors," she said to me.

I nodded and just made my way to his room, not wanting to waste anymore time to see Liam. I was looking for his room when I saw Niall walk out of one, with cast on his left arm.

"Niall...What happened to your arm?" I asked as I reached him.

He looked up from the ground to me and gave me a small grin. "Just broke it when I broke down a door. No biggy," he said in his irish accent.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, eyes glancing constantly at the door, that most likely led to Liam's room.

Niall sighed and leaned against the wall. "I went in the Academy to look for Liam. I asked around and they said he was with Andy. I figured Andy would take Liam to his room, so I went there...I broke down the door and - ...Liam was- He looked...broken."

I fumed, but tried to keep my cool. After all, it wasn't Niall's fault that Liam was hurt by Andy. So instead, I asked in a cold tone, "What do you mean Liam looked 'broken'? Did Andy hurt him?"

He shook his head and looked at the ground. "No...Well, maybe. That's what we think,'s not all of it. Liam won't tell us what happened. He just keeps-...he keeps crying and yelling for everyone to stay away from him. Andy emotionally broke him," he replied, sounding exhausted.

"How?" I asked softly, though I already knew the answer. I felt my legs give out and I sat on a chair outside Liam's room.

Niall sighed and sat beside me. "I think...Andy raped Liam. And Liam won't talk about it - probably for the better. But he also won't let anyone touch him, let alone near him. Not even his own family. Karen and Geoff are still in there trying to reason with him. He just won't listen."

"You also tried?" I asked, head in my hands. I know Andy raped Liam. He called me earlier to gloat and Liam had just whimpered in the background. ANDY broke Liam. HE caused this.

"Yeah...I've been trying with them for Liam to even listen to us, but he just keeps shaking his head and yelling. He looks so scared, Harry. We don't know what to do," Niall said, looking at me with sad, tired eyes. "Maybe- maybe you can try? Try talking to him. He still loves you, right? Then he'll probably listen and trust you."

I looked at him and sighed, leaning my head against the wall. "What if he doesn't? He broke up with me, remember?"

Niall snorted at that and shook his head. "I thought you knew why he did and acted like that. Andy had him under control using the hypnose powder. Liam wouldn't have actuall done that to you. Even I can tell he loves you too much to ever let you go."

"I thought you and Zayn hated the fact that we were dating? Last time I remember, you guys kept telling Liam I 'am a monster and he should stay away' from me," I said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, sorry about that. We were just so caught up into thinking the Academy was right about everything. They're far from that, though. We just thought that maybe you would hurt Liam...and possibly kill him," Niall said, looking at me apologetically.

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