Trusting Him- Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen-Eva


  It was Saturday morning and today was the day I was going to get my dress. I decided I would start at the mall.


When I got to the mall I went into the dress shop and saw hundreds of dresses. Blue ones, pink ones, purple ones, amber, sage, baby yellow! There was so many! I tried millions on but I couldn’t really find anything I liked and when I did it was usually out of my price range. I had saved up all my money from work to get a pretty dress.


            I searched all over town before I found the perfect dress. it was a light blue strapless dress and looked almost identical to a Taylor swift dress she wore in a music video. I immediately fell in love with it. I checked the price tag and thank goodness it was in my price range.


I bought the dress and as I was walking out of the store I reached into my purse and grabbed my cell phone.

"Hey, its me.” I said into the phone.


 “Why hello Evangeline.” Jakes voice filled my ears and made me smile.


“Guess what?”


 “What?” he asked.


            “Well I told you I was going to go dress shopping this weekend…..

 “You got your dress!” Jake yelled. I pulled my phone away from my ear for a couple seconds. I think I may have temporarily lost hearing in that ear.

 “Yes I did.”

“You should come over and show it to me!” there was a slight rustling noise in the background.

 “Now?” I asked glancing at my watch. ‘hmmmm 4:30’ I thought to myself.

          “Well yes now!

            I agreed to come over and said a quick goodbye before I hung up and flipped my phone shut. I climbed into my truck and drove over to Jake’s house.


 When I reached his house there was a small red car in the drive way, I had never met Jake’s parents so I assumed it was them. I grabbed my dress and headed for the front door. I knocked once and there was no answer, I knocked once again before I heard a clicking noise, it sounded like high heels. The door knob turned and revealed a striking young lady. Her hair was beach blonde with a slight wave. She was super skinny, beautiful tanned legs held her high. She wore a mini skirt and a red three quarter length shirt with a scoop neck. She wore a white tank top underneath her shirt and finished off her outfit with a beautiful necklace.

        “Hi you must be Eva! I have been waiting for so long to meet you!” the girl exclaimed as she hugged me tightly.  I stood there not really knowing how to respond. Thankfully she pulled away and looked me over. I wished I would have worn something cuter than my plain jeans and T shirt.

          “It’s so nice to meet you I’m Emily, Jake’s sister. I just got home from college; you will never believe how difficult it is…” Emily rambled on about her college life. I never knew Jake had a sister until now. 

         She walked into the TV room; I followed listening to her rambling words about college. As we walked in I sat my purse down on the entry way table. I had been to Jake’s house so many times now I pretty much knew everything about it. We arrived in the family room and Jake wasn’t in there as we had suspected, Emily told me he was probably up in his room. She gave me directions to his room upstairs and I soon found his door and heard his deep voice.

         “No, Eva doesn’t know……….and its going to stay that way-“ he paused. Maybe he was on the phone? But what did I not know? “no I am not going to tell her about the bet! Shut up Sam! If you tell her I will kill you!” Jake threatened in a low hiss.

          I slowly opened the door to his room; his door squeaked a little catching his attention. Jake swirled around in his desk chair facing me with a strange look in his eyes. Anger, grief, pain, sadness, and a little regret, all on his face.

          “What don’t I know?” I said in a barely audible whisper.

          Jake stood and started inching toward me; he had his arms out like he was gong to hug me. He got close before the sadness inside me turned to anger- no not anger outright rage.

         “What are you keeping from me?!” I demanded. Jake didn’t answer he just hung his head. I asked again, more force added. He came to me, his adorable hair flopping almost over his eyes.

          “I’m so sorry Eva, I didn’t mean it. I promise I didn’t.” he whispered. He came to hug me again but this time I shoved against his chest; he staggered back with the same emotionless expression on his face.

          “Eva please.” He begged he came to me once more.

          “No! Don’t touch me! Get away!!!” I shrieked not caring if Emily heard.  Of course Jake wouldn’t take no for an answer, he reached out again, I slapped his hand. Not hard, but hard enough to let him know that I was not joking. Jake understood, I could tell form his perfect face, he understood. I couldn’t take him any longer. I couldn’t take the way his beauty made my knees go weak and I couldn’t take the way my heart fluttered around whenever I was around him. And lastly I couldn’t take those piercing green eyes. I couldn’t take any of it!

          I ran down the stairs as fast as my clumsy legs could. Emily was standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at me with regret in her eyes. I nodded my head and dashed out of that horrid place.

          I didn’t know what to do or where to go. My phone decided that for me.

          “ He is jealous for me, loves like a hurricane, I am a tree bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy. When all of the sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory and I realize just how beautiful he is and how great his affection is for me. And oh how he loves us so, oh how he loves, oh how he loves us so…” my phone sang. I reached over to the passenger seat and snagged my phone, put it to my ear and heard my mom explaining Paige is missing me.

         I buckled up, put my foot on the gas and drove to the hospital

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