Part 3

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"Come on," You grunted, reaching for your favorite cereal on the top shelf. The cereal only you ate, that Calum bought to keep in his apartment since he knew it was your favorite, which somehow always managed to end up on the top shelf despite Calum not eating it. After jumping a few times, you got it and let out a victorious whoop. Calum wandered into the kitchen while you were going through the fridge to find milk and did a double take at the box of cereal next to your bowl.

"How did you get that?" He asked and you turned around with the carton of milk in your hands.

"I jumped." You said. "Your house is built for tall people and I don't like it. Also, stop putting my cereal on the top shelf, jackass."

"But it's so cute to watch you struggle." He whined.

"You're mean."

While you ate your cereal, Calum made his own, grabbing his box from the top shelf easily. You scrolled through your Facebook feed, tapping on an article about soulmates.

"What're you reading?" He asked, sitting next to you.

"Something about soulmates, speculation about the validity I guess. Luke probably shared it." You said.

Despite his asshole-ish behavior the night you met, you'd found Luke to be a really great guy. He was goofy, funny and polite, he just had /very strong and passionate opinions about soulmates.

Emily had taken a liking to Luke as well, as you predicted. She even pointed out a freckle Luke had on the right side of the back of his neck that looked similar to one Emily had, but she wasn't going to say anything. She knew he wouldn't believe her. The two were mad flirting though, and you gave it about two months maximum before they finally started dating.

"There are never any arguments for their side on these things," You commented. "Only against the other side. This one says the same thing as every other one I've read, there's no scientific evidence. I'm sure there is, it's just not publicized."

"Don't know, babe." Calum said, still waking up and not entirely sure what you just said.

"Do you want me to make some coffee?" You asked, setting your phone down and looking over to him, worried he would actually fall asleep in his cereal.


Even at the smell of coffee as it started brewing, Calum seemed more awake. You sat back at the breakfast bar next to him and continued to check your social media.

"Do you want to move in together?" Calum asked suddenly after about fifteen minutes of comfortable silence as you ate.

"I do, but I also don't want to leave Emily. I never really thought about a future with somebody else, especially not so soon and..."

"And?" Calum asked, patiently waiting for you to gather your thoughts.

"Let me talk to Emily. We're going shopping later today."


"Why do I never see you anymore?" Emily whined as you walked through a mall, turning into a clothing store.

"You saw me last week." You said.

"Yeah, an entire week! That was hard. I can't adult without you."

"Weren't you just asking when I was going to move in with Calum, like, two weeks ago?" You asked, peering over the rack of clothes that separated you and Emily quizzically.

"Have you?" She asked, worry lacing her voice.


"Yeah, I was, but I didn't think it was gonna be this hard. Honestly, I wouldn't mind him moving in with us at all if it means still having you around." Emily said, inspecting the price tag on a peach colored shirt.

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