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It was a lovely day outside. A perfect day for you and (C/n) to be outside riding your bikes.

It would be cool to take a picture of myself, while riding my bike. You then pulled out your phone, and held it up in the air. "(Y/n)! Your going to fall!" Warned (C/n).

"Pfft. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me!" You say, and of course you jinxed it. You fall off your bike, scraping your leg hard against the rough sidewalk. You grit your teeth in frustration and pain. You look down and see a little blood.

"Oh my god (Y/n)! Are you okay?!" Yells (C/n) as he runs towards you. "I'm fine!" You yell and give him a grin, but that doesn't work. Oh no, here we go again. You think dreadfully.

He gets out his First Aid Kit and starts working on the 'atrocious' scrape. He first puts some pain relief cream on it, then bandages it up with a cast-like material. "Be more careful!" He commands to you.

"It was a small scrape! No big deal,
(C/n)!" You say, glaring at him, "I wasn't in need of any help. I'm never a 'Damsel in Distress'!" You add, making your point clear.

He starts to lightly touch your knee, which makes you blush a light cherry-red. "Was any more damage done to your body?" He asks in all seriousness. You hold back a laugh.

"Yes, I am fine. You don't need to worry about me. I take good care of myself." You say, laughing a bit. "Scraping your knee isn't taking care of yourself,
(Y/n)." (C/n) grunts.

You give (C/n) a kiss on the cheek, then say, "Your way too overprotective." You say giggling. "I am most certainly not! I am just--just, cautious." He says while blushing a deep red. "A cast to help my leg stop bleeding isn't overprotective?" You say, raising your eyebrows at him.

"Erm..." Says (C/n) speechless.
Ayeeee he is too cute! You think. He pulls you into a tight embrace, then says, "Please, just try not to, um, hurt yourself."

"Why?" You ask innocently, raising your eyebrows at him. This boy, he can make no sense sometimes. You think. "You're just special, t-to me." He says looking down.

You immediately blush harshly, and don't say anything. Awkward silence.
Then (C/n) kisses you on the hand and says, "Be careful. Promise?"

"Um, okay." You mumble.

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