Chapter 10: Readying Up

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Both teams had to make up battle strategies before they could participate, leading to the teams practicing everyday and conditioning for it throughout the day. This lasted until the day before Saturday, the day of the challenge.


It was Saturday morning. 5am to be exact and Jade was already up, making breakfast for everyone. Her mind was racing, everything that she took in a few days ago was still swirling in her head. She's not the only supernatural clan, there are more and she's sure that there isn't just three.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she finished up the last pancake. Trevor strolled in, obviously catching the scent of the newly cooked meal. He gathered a plate then grabbed his food as the other members made their way into the kitchen. It was silent, everyone lost in their own thoughts until Haven broke it.

"God, it's so tense. Lighten up a bit." She chuckled as she let out a breath, "So are you guys ready to kick some ass?" Haven ended, looking between the nine other people.

"Hell yeah!" Trevor shouted as everyone else copied his words afterwards. Except Jade. She was dead quiet, just glancing between each person. They weren't just people now, they were players in this death sentence. It's a game, waited to be played and each one of them didn't know their fate, yet they smiled and laugh, overall they just lived in the moment. Jade smiled to herself, these were her old friends, some were new and some were just in her gang but yet she had a connection to each one of them.

It was 6am and Jade finally got everyone out of the house and into their assigned car. The hour drive was painfully long, as each player was too engrossed in their thoughts.

They arrived at the cabin, earlier than expected, and walked inside, only to find Jinx sitting on the reclining chair casually. As Jade looked around the room, she noticed other people scattered around the small log cabin. She noticed a man, wearing a similar hood to Braylon's which made her suspicious but she shook it off, coincidence probably?

"Well, it was nice of you to show up. Wow and ten minutes early!" Jinx faked enthusiasm as she stood up from the chair and leisurely strolled towards Jade. Jinx laughed slightly as she noticed Jade's members, she recognized Trevor immediately. "How was jail, Trevor old boy? Boy oh boy, I can't say that it's not nice to have Easton's brother, Jake, gone. Man, that kid was annoying. Sorry to break it to you, Easton, but that man was a douchebag, kinda like you." Easton balled his fist as he took a step forward Jinx, Jade grabbed his wrist before he could take initiative.

Both groups were standing head to head in the small living room, Jade was standing in front of her group while Jinx was in front of hers. It looked like how the Outsiders were lined up against the Socs, except they were in a small living room.

Ray Arlo stood next to Jinx as he scanned the group in front of him. He instantly recognized Trevor and Wesley. His eyes grew wide as he spoke, "Trevor? Wesley? What the hell?" Trevor looked up at the voice and his eyes grew wide as well. They only thing that was held in his eyes were the signs of betrayal. Ray never told him that he was attending a fight but then again, neither did Trevor nor Wesley. Trevor only looked at Ray but he knew that everyone else's eyes were trained on the three. Trevor mouthed, "Don't do anything stupid." Ray subtly nodded as the room fell into a tense silence.

Jade glared at Jinx until she broke the silence, "I'll go get the guns, you and your group need to go outside, mine will stay in here until I go outside? Deal? Deal." Jade stated as she walked towards the cellar door.

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