"Do you see him often?" Karma asked.

"Sometimes," the brunette said.

Karma flickered his eyes up at the two teens,"You see...That kid is in the hospital. He told me he has a bully who likes to pick on him," Karma said as he pulled out his knife and smiled,"you wouldn't know anyone who likes to pick on kids do you?"

The two teens looked at each other, then looked back,"Are you suggesting we picked on him?"

"Hmm, I'm not so sure, are you?" Karma said narrowing his eyes.

"You're wrong kid," the brunette said.

"Yeah we wouldn't dare to touch a hair on his head," the blonde said as he looked to his friend.

Karma rises his eyebrow.

"His mom is one ccccrrraaazzzyyyy lady," the blonde said.

"Yeah, we live in the same apparment building so we see Hiromi Shiota from time to time," the brown haired teenager began,"...I don't know much about her,"

"Himori?" Karma questioned recalling their inside joke earlier.

"Hiromi Shiota, she is generally a nice lady but when I entercountered her...," The blonde shook off the chills.

"I was approaching pass their apartment door when I saw Nagisa come out, I just generally said 'Hi,' when his mother randomly started to yell at me," the blonde said as he turned with embrassedment.

"She was pretty rude, yelling that I wasn't 'suitable' to talk to her 'child'," the blonde said.

"It was pretty werid, I wanted to see if he was okay but...his mom followed me around, like she was stalking me," the blonde said.

"She once followed me into the store, just whispering loudly to herself and stared at me. When I finally had the nerve to approch her, she screamed and made a scene. I was kicked out of the store because everyone thought I was harrasing her," the blonde frown and shook his head,"I didn't go anywhere near them, after that."

"Intersting..," Karma said, So Nagisa has an over pretective mother...but that doesn't explain the injuries...unless.

"Just how crazy would you rate Hiromi Shiota?" Karma asked.


Nagisa woke up late that afternoon facing the window, for a slpit second he was at peace. The cool breeze gently touched his face stroking it.

He turned over to see no one other then...

"Ah!? Wh..what are you doing here?" Nagisa asked.

"I came to check on my dearling Nagisa," his mother cheerfully smiled as she cracked her neck in the process.

Nagisa flickered his eyes over the the nurse who walked in with a smile,"Ah how wonderful, Ms. Shoita! What a delight to see you,"

"Ah you must me Ms. Baker!" Hiromi Shiota's mask smile but underneath it, the corner of her eye stared at Nagisa.

"I am just so pleased he is in good hands," Ms. Shiota said with a smile.

"Well of crouse," Ms. Baker said with a pleasent smile,"you are more then welcome to stay and visit but only for an hour," Ms. Baker said as she then looked at her watch,"Oh my, I have to run to a quick meeting, I shall be right back," Ms. Baker said as she quickly darted out of the room.

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