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(I really love the short edit) The Leafy and Onision drama tho. also gonna try to have drama and be funny wish me luck. Also remember when they named each other nicknames fuck all that cause it was stupid and doesn't mix the story lmao bai

conversation with aleks_hd and analusername

aleks_hd: where are you

aleks_hd: lmao it been an hour why are you taking so long

aleks_hd: I'm coming over your house then

aleks_hd: your door is unlocked so I'll come in and sit down I guess

Aleks sits down and looks to his right as he hears a vibrate come from James phone on the counter next to him. Aleks shakes his head and waits for James to show up. He couldn't look at his phone, he wouldn't dare. Oh would he go against that. Aleks reaches toward it and turns it on, seeing the texts he has sent him everything was fine. When he was about to turn it off the phone vibrates again popping up a new text message saying

"How about dinner, then maybe after that we can go to my place babe ;) 💕"

Aleks drops the phone in disbelief. Theres no way. Not James. But Aleks was wrong, it was the truth. Aleks gets up as James comes into the room and looks to the floor where his phone lays opened on the text message. James eyes widened when he looks to his phone on the contact.

Brett 😒✨

James tries to speak but Aleks runs out the door, hops into his car, and drives away. James runs to follow Aleks but runs back inside to look at his phone

Brett 😒✨: How about dinner, then maybe after that we can go to my place babe ;) 💕

analusername: goddamn it Brett

Brett 😒✨: what

analusername: Aleks saw your text

Brett 😒✨: so?

analusername: only that one

Brett 😒✨: oh

Brett 😒✨: i still don't get it


Brett 😒✨: oooooh

Brett 😒✨: sorry man

analusername: it's fine I'll just text him and explain bye

Brett 😒✨: bye :/


analusername: listen aleks I'm sorry

analusername: but it wasn't what you think it was

aleks_hd: are you sure

aleks_hd: cause I saw the fucking text

analusername: please trust me

aleks_hd: how can I

analusername: aleks?

aleks_hd: fuck off

Read 10:26 am

analusername: aleks please

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