Joining Nyasha in the living room he found the old couple laughing.
"Thank you so much for taking care of Debra after the accident," they said as Debra looked at them in confusion meeting hard glares from both Marcel and Nyasha as she understood the faux.

A smirk formed on Nyasha's face as she turned and whispered something into Marcel's ear as Debra's calculated gaze followed their every move.

"Malcolm," he murmured against her lips as a smile formed in her lips.
"Did I tell you how I loved the fact that your plan was clean. Not a drop of blood spilled," she whispered in his ear, as they heard someone clearing their throat.
"We should be leaving now," Debra's father said.

"It was good to see you again sir. If you ever need anything just call me," Marcel said as the old couple nodded.
"You have a very lovely wife, cherish her young man," Debra's mom mentioned as he smiled at her kind words.
"I will see you soon, mom, dad," Debra stated.

Marcel held no grudge against her parents and made sure they never saw how much he hated their daughter for the way she had hurt him. All they needed to know was that Debra and Marcel where in "good" books.

Waving them goodbye they stood by the entrance until the car disappeared.
"Max!" Marcel's voice boomed. "Bring me Malcolm."

Heading back into the house they headed to their room to discuss further plans they would implement.

"I don't feel so good," Nyasha stated all of a sudden as she clung onto his arm for support.
"What is wrong sweethe..." He said as she ran towards the bathroom.
Rubbing soothing circles on her back she emptied her stomach before turning to look at him with a murderous look.
"Baby what's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"If it is what I am thinking I will castrate you myself if I have to make sure this never happens again," she seethed walking towards the wall cabinet grabbing a pregnancy test.
It dawned on him exactly what she meant as pride and joy, filled his heart. Soon she would be round with his child and this time he would be by her side through it all"

Waiting by her side they waited for the results.
The test came out positive as they both looked at it speechless.

The next thing she knew his lips were on hers doing things she could not describe before he pulled away for air.
"I love you," he said softly kissing away the lone tear than escaped her closed eyelids.
"I love you too," she smiled before a playful smile formed on her lips.
Marcel knew right there and then that his wife was planning something big. And he was going to definitely sweat.

"Let's go see the doctor about your nausea this is the sixth time you have thrown up and haven't had anything since morning," he said in a no nonsense tone four hours later.
"It will pass baby," she said weakly.
Before she could protest he had lifted her up into his arms and was making his way to the front entrance.
"Marcellus please I just want to sleep," she whined.
"You can sleep on our way to the doctor," he growled wearing a serious face that shut her up.

The car slowly pulled away from their home as hey headed to the hospital.
"Alexis we are on our way," he stated before hanging up.


"See I told you not to worry," Nyasha grumbled. "Can you please get me something to drink whilst I talk to Alexis," she asked sweetly as Marcel reluctantly left.
"Finally I can breathe," she mumbled making Alexis laugh just as her pager went off.

Looking at it Alexis frowned.
"I will be back shortly. Don't open the door for anyone."
"I can take care of myself," Nyasha said rolling her eyes as she relaxed in her seat munching on the crackers she had bought earlier.

Once she heard the click of the door lock she closed her eyes before she heard the splintering of wood.
Sitting up straight she reached for her gun cursing when she realized she had left it at home.

In walked two men and the last person she expected.
"Move," one of them said pointing their weapon at her.



Walking back to the office I saw the door wide open which was odd. I felt a chill run down my spine before I even walked in it the room just as Alexis returned from wherever she had gone to.
"Where is she?" We both questioned each other at the same time as I saw Alexis instantly pale.

Looking down the corridor I saw a trail of cracker crumbs.
"Clever girl," I murmured running after the trail, my gun in hand, my other hand holding my phone to my ear.
"Max back exit now!"

As I swung the door open, a black suv ran past me just as Max pulled me out of the way.
Running after the car I holstered my gun, there was o way I would risk my wife and child getting hurt is I tried to shoot the tires. Anything could happen if I released stray bullets.

"Get in!" Alexis yelled as she parked in front of us.
Speeding after them I made a few calls but it was no use as we lost them in the traffic.

"I want to know what happened and bring me Malcolm," I growled looking at Max who simply nodded as we stopped at the hospital once more.

Reaching my estate everything was in chaos. The stench of death filled my nostrils as I walked into my house coming face to face with the bloodied corpse of Debra.
"This was not the work of Malcolm. He didn't have the balls to do such," I concluded as Alex walked into the house after me.
The cry of a baby made me look up the stairs as I ran towards the nursery.

Walking in I found no child but a recorder.
"You should have broken up," came Malcolm's voice.
But his voice didn't have the confidence he normally had, I detected, as I played the message over and over again. It was as though he was being fed the line by someone.


"Marcel!" He heard his father's voice.
Rushing down the stairs he found his parents and sister waiting for him.
"What happened here?" His father bellowed in anger.

"Nyasha has been taken again. And whoever took her is going to wish they never did," he said as his phone rang.
"We have Malcolm," Max stated as a sadistic smile formed on Marcel's lips.
"I want the basement prepared," he stated as Alex turned to leave. His family looked at him worried.

"No one touches my family and lives," he said turning around to head to their room to prepare for what was to come.

Looking at the picture of Nyasha as she held their son in her arms he felt his lips twitch into a smile.
"I will see you soon my love. Papa is coming little one," he whispered putting his phone away as he opened up a wall compartment grabbing a bag that held the necessary equipment he would need to properly welcome Malcolm. After all he was the last person he would see after giving him the information he needed.

There you go lovely people.
Hope you enjoyed!!!
Don't forget to comment!!!!

11. His Achilles Heel (bwwm) Completed #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now