The Undoing Of Heroes ----- @earlyatdusk

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so here's a book whose prologue really sucked me in as I assure you, it'll do to yo... ;)



Heroes. The beacons of society, the pillars on which the world's justice rested. The unselfish, generous helpers of the community, the solid defenders of human rights. They sound pretty amazing, right ?

And then we have the villains. The shadows of society, that always loomed in the corner but were constantly pushed away by the bright belief the citizens held in their heroes. The bubblegum on the bottom of your shoe, the dust on your bookshelf. Unwanted, and constantly cleaned away.

I'm unwanted. Unloved. Children throw rocks at me, the media shoves me into their favourite trashcan.

He's loved. Wanted. Children adore him, the media praises him. Comics are released about him, the mayor gives him the key to the city. But he's angry. Driven by a thirst for revenge. Revenge at me.

I know it. Which is why I'll be his undoing.


SEE? already amazing! :))

nayna aka your psychic friend

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