chapter 7 - home

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Dan p.o.v

We soon arrived home at our lovely house it was a very nice house it was made of ork wood and had glass planes, we had a very nice garden with lots of different flowers because of Jem's gardening skills, but we had two rooms a room for me and jem and a spare room. We also had a kitchen, living room and bathroom. Plus a little farm in the back garden with a pool.

Me and jem entered the house and I saw all out pictures of use in the hallway. "Okay Dan well I've got a play pen for you stay in while me and friend turn the guest room into a little kid room for you for a while. "Okay who's coming to help?" I ask as jem places me in the playpen that she had just set up, it had little game areas with toys and lights. Jem also added some emerald's and diamonds just for a laugh.

There was suddenly a knock on the door and captain sparkles walked in. "Hey there jem I've came to help you set up a kids room. So did you and Dan finally decided to get a kid because not to be mean in anyway possible you don't look pregnant?" I was filling with rage if I wanted a kid I would either adopt of make one sorry kids excuse that comment. "Hey sparkles how's it going?" Captain sparkles turned his head and looked at me then bursted into laughter.

"Oh my god dan why are you so small and your voice oh god" jem stood in front of him and then I watched as they both headed into the kitchen I heard muffed talking but what I could make out was jem was telling sparkles how I became like this as I had told her the whole story with herobrine. "Strange why would herobrine turn dantdm into a toddler makes no sense" sparkles said while heading up stairs.

Jem then came back into the living room with some food. "I was guessing you night be hungry Dan?" She asked as I heard my stomach rumble. She was right but she seems to always be right when it comes to food, I looked on her lap and spotted so toast with jam on and they were cut into triangles. "Aww yeah" I said in my sqeaky voice as I grabbed a triangle and began to nibble on it. "Do you want to watch some TV Dan?" I nodded to jem questions but then she turned on cebebbies "what that?" I said while looking at her confused. "Sorry Dan this is what toddlers watch" "not this toddler!" I said while grabbing the control off the sofa.

I then turned it over to nickoloadion and sponge Bob was on so me and jem both sat on the sofa and started to watch the tv. Within one hour of watching sponge Bob captain sparkles finally Came down stairs he had some sweat and paint on him but other than that he looked fine. "It's all done jemma "he said while picking up a tool box. Me and Jemma then both went up stairs and into the spare room. The walls were diamond blue, I had a little cot and a play pen with lots of toys and jem had a chair to sit in while I was falling asleep. I liked the room it was all diamond blue.

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