When we met

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| Travis POV |

I went to a coffee shop cafe to get some coffee and meet my friend Skylar. *Walks threw door* "Hey! Skylar. Over here!" As Skylar was walking over a beautiful women came to take to my order. "Hi. My name is Kaitlyn, and I will be your waiter for today. So what can I get you guys today?"

| Skylar's POV |

I sat down and a girl came to take our order. And I looked at Travis and he was just starring at her. But I ignored it. "Oh! Uh! I'll get a black coffee with some waffles."

| Travis's POV |

I was starring at the most beautiful girl in the world. She had beautiful baby blue hair, big boobs, and a nice ass. And she spoke. "Excuse me, are you gonna keep starring at me or order?" And I snapped out of my starring. Oh! Uh! Y- Yeah! I'll take a black coffee with light creamer.

| Kaitlyn's POV |

As I took there dum order, there was a dweeb with amazing looks, kept starring at me. As I was getting there order ready, I had dropped something and bent down to pick it up. And I saw that dweeb, STARRING AT MY BUTT! So I walked over there and punched him where it hurt!

| Travis's POV |

I was watching her get our food ready, and she dropped something and bent down to pick it up. *bulge in pants* Oh shit! She saw me! I looked away as fast as I could and when I looked back she was right in front of me and punched me in my nuts. "OW!!" She spoke. "DON'T YOU EVER LET ME CATCH YOU STARRING AT MY BUTT AGAIN!" And as she walked away she said something under her breathe. *Why don't I take Kawaii~Chan's advice and work at the damn Maid Cafe*

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