1. Caught

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"Are you crazy?!"

Jacob was yelling in my face. "Why would you do that?? And with a girl who looks just like her?! Bahja will flip!" "About what?" We turned and Bahja was standing there. I walked over to her and took her hands. "Babe, there's something I gotta tell you." She closed her eyes and sighed. "What is it?" I took her around the back and we sat at the table on the patio. "Chresanto, tell me." I sighed and kissed her cheek.

"I have a two year old son, which I just found out about a month ago. And when I met up with his mother, she came onto me, and..." She rolled her eyes and shed a tear. "Just say it and break my heart already." My stomach dropped and my heart broke into a million pieces. I was hurting her. She stood up and began walking away. I followed her.

"Bahja, I'm sorry." She sighed and sat down in the concrete. "I know...I need a minute, babe." I began crying and I took her hand. "Bahja, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to do this. Please don't be mad with me. I promise I didn't mean for this to happen." She began crying more and hugged me. "I know, baby. Just go on. I'm fine. Give me a moment alone." I stood up. I walked away and sat in my car crying as hard as ever. I swear I didn't mean it.

Amani Reese. {b.r x c.a}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum