She turned her gaze to where alya's was looking.

There stood You. Looking confused and hesitant to enter the building.

" Hey.. do you think their lost?" Marinette asked feeling as she should step up and help out the lost person.

" I did hear from the staff there was supposedly a transfer student to start here. Maybe that's them! C'mon!" Alya grabbed Marinette's arm dragging her over to where you stood.

Your P.o.v

You blinked as a girl suddenly stood in your way towards the entrance of the school. She had on a plaid shirt and thick rounded glasses, her hazel eyes staring down at you as if taking in every little detail. She has dark reddish-brown wavy hair that goes to her shoulders and a energetic smile.

She made you feel nervous for some reason.

" uhm.. uh.." You stuttered out.

Suddenly a the girl behind the reddish-browned haired one stepped into view.

She seemed to have a calmer more approachable aura. She had bluebell colour eyes and a dark hair which seemed to have a Navy like blue shine to them.

" Hi, Im Marinette. This here is my friend Alya." The Navy pigtailed hair girl said introducing herself.

" oh. Uhm.. Hi, Im (Y/n). Im erm.. new here," You said giving a shy smile.

The girl named Marinette smiled, " Well, (Y/N) welcomed to Collège Françoise Dupont ! You must be lost. Do you need to retrieve your schedule from the office? Or do you have it?" She asked.

You nodded remembering your uncle giving you a yellow envelope with the school rules and paper map of the school and class schedule. You had stuffed that inside your bag.

Pulling out the envelope you opened it taking out the schedule.

" Do you mind if I take a look?," Marinette took the paper you hand over to her.

She glanced at the schedule and smiled. " We have regular classes together. Expect science lab and two elective. How about I show you around the school as well?"

You nodded.

Suddenly alya elbowed marinette, " Hey Marinette. Don't look now but I think Adrien is coming this way."

Marinette sighed dreamy repeating the name.

You turned your attention to where they were looking. Only to see the most handsome boy in your life. He has brushed-back blond hair and light green eyes.

Behind the blonde greened eye cutie had other boy waving to the two girls who stood behind you.

You blushed ducking your head down as the two stepped closer to join their small group.

Adrian's P.O.V

' I wonder who this is..' he thought.

Adrian stared at you giving a kind smile. This made your heart beat.

Honestly, you were pänsexual. You are not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.

" Hey Nino, Adrian." Alya waved greeting the two boys.

" This here is (Y/N), Their new to the school." She said introducing you.

You gave a shy smile not used to having so much attention on yourself.

" H-Hi.." you stuttered out.

" Its nice to meet you. Im Nino." The boy Nino with short dark brown hair, and golden brown eyes said.

" And My name is Adrian Agreste." The cute blonde said politely.

Adrian thought this girl was pretty cute. How she shyly turned away covering her face with her (Your hair colour) hair.

" Welp, We better get to class before the bell ring." Alya said trying to get marinette to say something.

" OH! Right, right! Classes!" Marinette said agreeing trying her best not to look silly in front of the blonde. She turned on her heel and the group started making their way into the school.

" So, uhm.. (Y/n) right?" Adrian spoke to you making him jump just a bit at his lovely voice.

You nodded acknowledging him.

" that's a nice name for a girl." He said flushing just a tiny bit.

" Oh uhm.." you looked away. " Im a boy.." you said correcting his mistake.

Adrian blushed at being rudely assuming you was a girl.

' how can a boy like him be so cute?! He'll probably think I'm a creep if I said that to him.. oh no.. did I hurt his feeling?!' he thought as he noticed you had started walking just a bit quicker in pace.

" wait, wait! Uhm.. Im so sorry, (Y/n)." He said to you making a small smile appear on your face.

" Its okay.. I get mistaken a lot.." you mumbled. As you entered the classroom.

" still.. I feel bad.. how about--" he spoke but was cut off when a squealing high pitch voice girl called out his name.

" Adrian-Poo~" the girl called out.

You suddenly felt heart broken. Was this girl his girlfriend?

' why should i feel sad?! I barely know him... he probably isn't into boys either.. great this is going to be a fun school year.' You thought to yourself.

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