Waking Up and Let's Ask Someone

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"What are you doing?" Harry asked, as he leaned on the frame of the closet.

"Just checking something." He then pulled his shirt off, and Harry covered his mouth. Draco turned towards the mirrors to have a look for himself. Draco had an almost identical mark on his right shoulder, except, this one had black feathers, with red tips. Draco stared back at Harry, shock written all over his face.

"That is not a tattoo! I don't know how that got there." Draco gently rubbed his shoulder. It didn't feel sore or anything, but it did feel warm.

"Its warm too." Draco whispered to himself. Harry walked over, and laid his hand on Draco. He felt tingling as he did so.

"Wow." Draco marveled. The two mirrors disappeared, and Draco walked to the closet, and pulled on a green shirt. Just as Draco reached onto a shelf, he noticed a shimmer of light. He was still wearing his bracelet.

"I almost forgot about these." Draco said as he stepped out of the closet. Draco held his wrist out.

"Oh yeah." Harry copied his movement. "We can just keep them on all the time, that way we won't forget about taking them. Let's just make sure we change you back to Philip when we see people. Let's see if Kreacher can recognize us first, though." The two walked down stairs, into the dinning room. Breakfast was already laid out.

"Kreacher!" Draco called. A loud crack resounded through the room.

"Master Draco wanted to see me, sir." Draco looked at Harry, puzzled.

"You can recognize us?" Harry asked. Kreacher nodded.

"All magical creatures can see witches and wizards for how they truly are. The only difference I can feel though, is that both of your magical auras feel different now. They feel much stronger than before." Kreacher commented. He then popped back out of the room. There was silence for a couple seconds.

"Well that was weird. First the marks, then Kreacher says we feel differently. What's next, we can fly." Draco laughed. The two then proceeded to eat their meals in comfortable silence. When they were done, they went to the living room. Harry and Draco sat on the couch, Draco's feet on Harry's lap.

"Harry?" Draco asked.


"Do you feel different?" Draco asked. Harry sat up a bit more.

"Now that you mention it, I feel a bit odd. I don't really know."

Draco sighed. "Its weird. I struggled when I conjured those mirrors. I hadn't ever struggled on something that simple before. Maybe my wand's broken." Draco said as he pulled his wand out, and inspected it a little. Draco turned to Harry.

"Try doing a little magic. Maybe its not just my wand that's broken." Harry complied, and flicked his wand. When he was 11, red sparks flew out, but this time, Harry accidentally knocked a book down.

"That's weird. Last time I did that, red sparks came out. Know its not working right." Harry pointed his wand at the book. "Wingardium Leviosa." Harry repeated. The book just floated on the floor a little, before falling back down. The two shared a concerned look.

"How about we go to Ollivander's, and get our wands checked out. Maybe we cracked them or something." Draco added. Harry nodded, and they both headed upstairs to get some shoes, before apperating to Diagon Alley.

When the two got there, they headed straight for Ollivander's. Other than a couple odd stares at their muggle attire, they arrived almost unnoticed. The door bell chimed.

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