2 | maybe splenda daddy at most

Start from the beginning

We talked about the stupidest shit, yet we could easily transition into intellectual conversations with the same passion. That's what I loved about them. We connected so easily and hanging out with these girls always made my day.

I had taken a backseat in the discussion, lost in thoughts about the list and Quinn, but I was immediately jolted back in with a, "Leia, what do you think?"

"Uh, honestly I don't even know what ya'll just said, but you know I just remember reading this thing online. Like a social experiment. You scream daddy out loud and see which guys respond and turn around. I don't know; I thought it was pretty funny."

Alex and Julia stared at me at first but broke out into wide grins.

"Do it," Alex commanded.

"Guys, what. Aldridge bitch will walk in."

"Come on, she's probably getting another Dr. Pepper, and you know it," Alex chided.

"Yeah, come on, Lays. I know you're not scared. You've done worse before. You probably have the biggest pair in this class," Julia pressured.

That was undeniably true. For a dare, I would do pretty much anything.

It was sad but very thrilling. I was a lowkey adrenaline junky, and my track record proved that.

With great badassery, however, came an even greater responsibility. Even I knew, there had to be a certain extent of rationale for my actions. I wasn't unreasonable. I only did stuff if I knew I could get away with it. Aldridge walking in on my daddy-fest was a very real possibility. But eh you know what, screw it. She was probably somewhere outside the classroom relishing and downing a fresh can of Dr. Pepper.

I'm not a pussy, and I wanted to see how this would play out.

And so that's how I ended up screaming "DADDY" across the lecture hall.

The reaction I elicited was much more than what I expected.

The moment it came out of my mouth every individual with a penis in my class had snapped their head. It was like watching at least fifteen plus people screw their heads around like owls.

Undoubtedly, the funniest part was when two guys subconsciously responded with "yeah?"

I lost my shit. This was too good.

Fucking hell.

I never expected the whole male population of 3B to be my designated daddies. All heads were turned to me and pretty soon every girl, after figuring out my not-so-subtle social experiment, was laughing their ass off. The guys were pretty much quiet and embarrassed for a few minutes, but laughed it off except for the two who were my "so-called daddies." Oh god.

I was also pretty relieved about the fact that the beast hadn't walked into class from lunch yet. Good thing. If she had and had heard me who knows what would have happened. She wasn't in a particularly happy mood. She'd already snapped at Trey before lunch twice for playing League in class. Hopefully, she would have grabbed another Dr. Pepper during lunch as it was the only thing that could calm down Mrs. Aldridge.

That and flirting with Mrs. Benson's husband.

Mrs. Aldridge always seemed to get her flirt on whenever Benson's hubby was around.

Quite entertaining, really.

She giggled like a ditz and twirled what little hair she did have. Damn. Kinda weird? Scratch that. More like hella weird considering Mr. Aldridge also worked in school as a technological facilitator, just down the hallway, and Mrs. Aldridge had no problem shamelessly flirting with Benson's beau. Yikes. Teachers gone wild? Guess so. Aldridge had no restraint when it came to hoeing with Benson's boy.

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